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OneSpan Sign
See Attachment
Here's the DOCUMENT_SIGNED push notification, I can't associate the sessionUser to either signer in the Package object returned from the SDK. (see the screen shot below, I have the signer Ids boxed in red)
Is this a known bug with the push notification? Can this be fixed?
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OneSpan Cloud Authentication
The following is mentioned in the user guide
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Mobile Security Suite
Please remember that Apple set a March 31, 2021 deadline to upgrade to the Apple Push Notification service (APNs) API provider (see: https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=c88acm2b). After March 31,
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Mobile Security Suite
Please remember that Apple set a March 31, 2021 deadline to upgrade to the Apple Push Notification service (APNs) API provider (see: https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=c88acm2b). After March 31,
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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
Inside my product ecosystem, I have already wso2 Identity Server up and running which provides GWT token. I am willing to use the MFA capability of Onespan and the push notification as a reliable solution instead of OTP.
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OneSpan Sign
We need to push our signed documents into an eOriginal vault. The instructions say to push it through a "data" field in the API.
Question #1: Location and Procedure
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OneSpan Sign
When the document is pushed to eOriginal, the contract is returned with a watermark "Non-Authoriative". I wish to update this watermark to "Copy of Original". Is this possible?
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OneSpan Sign
Application listener (callback URL) is not available when OSS triggers callback event upon completion of the transaction.
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OneSpan Sign
I see in your .net SDK documentation that you can setup the push notifications by running this code: