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OneSpan Sign
I have a scenario for a package with 1 document and 2 signers, only 1 signer required to sign the document.
when this package sent , both of the signers received the activate email (1 signer for signing, and another signer just review - no signature required.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
If I update an existing package to SENT am I able to add any new documents to the package? Can I can update the package status to ACTIVE or some other status, add the document and then update status again to SENT?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
just started to work with the REST API.
currently working thru the Python test cases / examples.
i have two initial observations.
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OneSpan Sign
I'd like the give the user the option to either sign in-person or remotely. We will be using the "email.activate" emails to send out the invitation emails for remote signers.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi there.
What I'm trying to do is specify the sender of a package to be [email protected]. Our main account owner is [email protected]. No matter how I update my JSON, the package sender is still [email protected].
Here is my pertinent JSON package
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
we have our application as front end to eSignLive system.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I'm looking for information around customizing the "From" email address within our Package email templates.
Example: email.activate
"from" : {
"email" : "[email protected]",
"display_name" : "e-SignLive"
Background on our environment: We hav
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I want to update the status in my database as soon as user sign the document. I haven't found code to get the status as soon as signer sign the document. I did register all the even using callback example code.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi OneSpan team,
I have my account owner as:
first name = "Abc"
last name = "LLC"
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to load the classic Ui designer view in an iFrame. I have changed the way I'm creating the package to include a sender account.