21 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
We are supporting one of our clients and we are using AnyDesk as a support application. Will using this app affect the functionality of the PCC when the customer is trying to test whether they can sign a document?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Our application is not seeing the thank you page in the desktop (iframe) ux.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We are displaying e-document in iFrame. On Safari, there was a known cookie issue described in https://developer.esignlive.com/forums/topic/cookie-issues-on-safari/ . We are ok with it as long as it shows description and guideline to the client.
Forum topic
OneSpan Identity Verification
When I create a transaction (using the https://gs.onespan.cloud/rpoc-saa endpoint) I get back a token as expected.
First off, the token contains an access URL that does not work (it uses the wrong endpoint: https://salesdemo-dealflo.uat.eu1.tid.onespan.cloud).
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
It has come to my attention that the header for the iPad version is different the both the desktop and the mobile version. See the attached image in the zip file.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We have a requirement to customize guest signing room.
Is there a way to customize the Silanis guest signing room that pops up when a notified signer clicks on link provided in email ?
Customization like:
Displaying a custom message instead of the package name on login page.
Displaying a cust
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Currently the mobile UI (see attached) is only available on phones. Tablets present the desktop view of eSignLive. Is it possible to have the mobile view extended to tablets?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
by default, the session timeout for sender/signer is 30 minutes. it's working for desktop version, but it seems not working for mobile signing or sender login. is there any different setting other than default one?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
In ceremony layout settings, we have set navigator ( directs the signer to the next available signature) property as true. So, it comes up in desktop, mobile as well but in iPad, it is not showing.
Please, let us know how can we solve this issue?
Thank you.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We have the thank you dialog box for signing ceremony disabled for our signers, and it doesn't show up when you finish signing on a desktop. However the thank you messaging still shows when finished signing on a mobile device. Is there a way to hide this on the mobile UI as well?