What is recommend for a Catch () for error handling? Is there something specific for OSS Packages
July 5Created
January 21Last Updated
5 years agoLast Reply
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776
Reply to: .NET Try Catch
Friday, July 5, 2019 at 05:04am
Hi demellor68,
OneSpan Sign .Net SDK has two exception types:
- EslException: This is a general exception. It includes a character string that indicates what failed.
- EslServerException: This is a subclass of EslException. An EslServerException is thrown when the server returns unexpected code from a request. The EslServerException also contains the exact server response from the underlying API request.
For detailed example, please go check our Error Handling Guide.
Hope this could help!
For EslServerException, there's an unofficial list of error messages in our code share, which might interest you if you are handling specific exceptions related to package.
For EslException, it could be thrown by SDK itself when validating or building/converting object. There's not yet a list for all error messages, but it usually comes with an explanation.
Reply to: .NET Try Catch
Friday, July 5, 2019 at 05:04amReply to: .NET Try Catch
Friday, July 5, 2019 at 05:25am