Ryan_Coleman | Posts: 258

Locked User Notification

0 votes
Guys - I know that when a document is completely signed, your system will send out a notification that we can capture to do whatever it is we need to do with that information. Is there something similar for when a user locks their account due to too many invalid attempts?

Approved Answer
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Locked User Notification

1 votes
Hi Ryan, Yes, there's a corresponding event for "Recipent Locked", you can select it in your Web Portal(as the attachment shows) or call an API to enable it. And this is the payload your port will receive from OSS:
{"@class":"com.silanis.esl.packages.event.ESLProcessEvent","name":"SIGNER_LOCKED","sessionUser":"20f127c9-ed8d-4ab1-ac97-1684c40b69a3","packageId":"lyn-YDATvnfFNvpcJqFCvv_9H0k=","message":"The signer account is locked.","documentId":null,"createdDate":"2018-09-12T20:56:01.478Z"}
Hope this could help you! Duo

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