engg_nayan | Posts: 34

Signing ceremony token does not generate from Safari browser.

0 votes
Hi, We can generate package but not signing ceremony token from Safari browser. So, we see that package id is generated but we can not generate token when calling from safari browser. Can you please help for solving this issue? Thank you.

Approved Answer
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Signing ceremony token does not generate from Safari browser.

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Hi engg, Are you using a custom integration or web portal when you talk about "generate package" and "generate signing ceremony token"? If you are triggering this function through your own application, can you show me more about your workflow so that I can try to reproduce the issue? Duo

engg_nayan | Posts: 34

Reply to: Signing ceremony token does not generate from Safari browser.

0 votes
Hi, I discussed with our internal esign team. Now safari is working.

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