talk2bks | Posts: 35

Remove Role when using a template

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I am using a template inside OneSpan to create the package. The template is set up for 2 signers but I would like to remove the second signer using the apex class if there's not one.

I am able to create the roles for both users, then create the package as a draft, then remove the second signer, then change the package to sent. This works. However, is there a way to remove the second signer before creating the package? Or is it best to use 2 different templates [1 for one signer, and 1 for two signers]?

Approved Answer
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Remove Role when using a template

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Hi Brian,


Unfortunately, I don't think you can remove placeholder and send transaction in a single call. If you are looking for minimizing the number of outbound callouts, you can create two different templates. Otherwise, delete placeholder and send transaction will require two extra API calls.





talk2bks | Posts: 35

Reply to: Remove Role when using a template

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Awesome. This will work.

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