Hi I am looking for an API which would help me generate a eSL report. Currently 'eslClient.reportService.downloadDelegationReportAsCSV(dateStart, dateStop)' provides with most of the information that I am looking for but I need some more details(columns) for a PACKAGE as follows: UpdatedDate EndDate NumberOfDays Document Count ListOfSigners Is it possible to get this information from ReportService? Thank you for your help!
I’m a little confused over how to correctly and completely iterate over the results returned from the esl.PackageService.GetUpdatedPackagesWithinDateRange, as it appears I’m only iterating over the first 10 items. I have the following code:
Page packages = esl.PackageService.GetUpdatedPackagesWithinDateRange(DocumentPackageStatus.SENT, new PageRequest(1), startDate, endDate);

//packages has 28 TotalElements

if (packages != null && packages.TotalElements > 0)
	foreach (DocumentPackage dp in packages)
		//only doing 10 iterations
Hi, I have a question about data retrieval / reporting. Everything I've read thus far within the eSL documentation references the use of the Java/C# SDKs and/or the REST API for data retrieval and reporting. Is it possible to query data directly from the eSL backend database tables as opposed to the aforementioned methods? We're looking to build out an in-house reporting environment off of our eSL installation, so we're in the process of reviewing the best methods for retrieving production data for reporting purposes. Thanks, Jonathon