
I am trying to create the package only with documents and I will need to update it later adding the signers, the signature tag is already created in one of the documents, that is why I am using EnableExtraction. I get an error: 

Could not send the package. Exception: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. HTTP POST on URI*********. Optional details: {"messageKey":"error.validation.sendPackage.noApprovals","message":"Cannot send package without approvals.","code":400,"name":"Validation Error"}




On an In progress transaction (SIGNING_PENDING) with multiple signers & with Document A that is signed by (SIGNING_COMPLETE) Signer A, is it possible to update the document content (bytes) without losing the already obtained signatures from Signer A?

I noticed that eslClient.PackageService.UpdateDocumentMetadata did not update the new contents on the same document