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Hello! I need to be able to pull down the name of the file that was uploaded with a document in a given package. I see that there is a "FileName" property on the "Document" object, but when I pull a package down and loop through its…
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Is it possible to use Field Injection and Signature Position Extraction together in the same package? I can get either to work, depending on if .EnableExtraction() is included, but not both together. Here is one of the methods attempted:…
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Our application is using e-SignLive for signatures on insurance documents. Our application provides users with the ability to choose wet signatures on paper or e-signing. It is possible for a user to choose e-signing and then change to wet…
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We are trying to get the signing URL for the signer to display in an IFrame without having to send the package. Currently I keep getting the error of "cannot get signing url because package is editable", I can only assume that means I can…
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Would it be possible to change or customize an email that is sent to signers at the end of signing ceremony. And how?
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I'm using On this platform I get this behaviour which in my mind is unexpected. I have created 3 packages. All 3 packages have 2 signers. In firs two cases signer two OPTED_OUT or DECLINED. Why then when I query…
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I'm having difficulty understanding the inclusion of the callback key described here: private EventNotificationConfig eventNotificationConfig; public string…
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Please explain the difference between SessionService.CreateSessionToken( ) and PackageService.GetSigningUrl( ). If I want to embed the signing ceremony in an iframe in a web app, which of those two methods should I use? Thanks,
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When submitting a document package, can I assign a package ID, document ID, signature ID, and signer ID, or are those values assigned by the e-SignLive system? Thanks.
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Is there a way to get notifications from eSignLive when certain events happen? For example, if we send out a document for signature and the person signs or declines the package, is there a way to receive notifications about this so our…
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Can a document filename refer to a file on a network drive as in the following: documentBuilder.FromFile(fileName)
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Hoping you can help. We have a scenario where a single signature may appear in several place. For example, in the case of a parent signing for a minor. The parent would have to sign as the owner, and sign for the minor. We only want the…
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After a signing has been completed, I call eslClient.DownloadOriginalDocument and it correctly returns the original unsigned document. However, when I call eslClient.DownloadDocument, it returns the original unsigned document instead of…
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I attempting to create a document that has one signer by email, and 2 signing groups (lets name them Group1 and Group2) The document has EXTRACTION enabled. This is important as I need it to extract the Signature bound and unbound fields…
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We are trying to test the connection status to make sure there is not issues with a firewall. Since you do not have a test connection parameter baked into the .Net SDK we just created the new ESL client then make a request for existing…
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Hi Silanis team- I cannot find any documentation on the unit of measure used for the Signature block position (X,Y) and dimensions (Height,Width). Is it pixels? Points? Inches? Also, if anyone knows/remembers-- we are currently using…
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I have a requirement to extract the date that a package was completed. As we have signing Groups who sign in a particular order, I can extract the date that the last known group signed by retrieving the SignersCompletionReport (through…
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I want to experiment with In-Person signing in the Sandbox, is it enabled? I tried through the eSignLive UI and also through .NET, here is how I attempted to enable it in .NET, both in package creation (near top) and by Setting it again …
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Silanis I’m a developer for Mendota Insurance. We’re still in the development phase using your eSignLive product in your sand box environment. I have some questions around the reporting. We were told the portal has just a small…
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I looked in the docs and the API but this was not immediately obvious if this function existed so question: I can specify a bound field Date, that gets filled in by eSignLive with the date that the user signs. However the date format…
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there is a sdk documentation for events on packages. I can't see how to fetch user key. Does the key comes as part of json payload? or you use different method?
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If a package has already been created, can the email address and SMS phone # be changed via the API?
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hey, I'm looking to retrieve the date each signer has signed the package, and the date when the package has been completed. Where can I get that?"
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I have 3 groups of signers, lets call them Group1, Group2 and Group 3 A document package is constructed in which there can be multiple documents. Group1 and Group2 always need to sign all documents. While Group3 only signs particular…
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Team, How can I add/replace existing 'default-consent' document with my own document (pdf). Can you please post some guide on this.