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Hi ,

How to change the sender email like [email protected] without first name and last name because it has been sending mail to customers like with my email id , first name and last name .

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We are using the Java REST API to create and send the transactions.  We would like our customer recipients to use SMS authentication for the signing ceremony, but our back office/branch senders will not be using…

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how to get the report completion for specific time period in a day like between 8am to 12 pm.

using the below api 


what format should be From date and to date . Need to…

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I am new to OneSpan and trying to going through following blog…

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Hi, i am trying to use the POST api /api​/packages​/{packageId}​/attachment​/{attachmentId} to add an attachment to a package but i always receive the below reply.

I am testing it through the swagger of the community portal…

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I have signed on behalf of client using Bulk Sign feature . When i retrieve evidence summary document its showing my IP in that document. Is than anyway possible to pass Client Ip since we are signing on behalf our client…

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Hey all - 

I'm having trouble finding some examples for validating signers using the Q&A features. I recall seeing some examples in the docs or forums in the past but can't find them now. Any help is appreciated.&nbsp…

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The documentation talks about ApiKeyAuth (being deprecated) and ApiTokenAuth (recommended replacement).

Apparently a "Client Id" + "Secret" is combined to create a "Token" but I don't know how this is done for API's below.

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Hi  Team,


I need to create a package with an existing unique id (custom id)

while creating a package,

ex for package payload



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Hi, we want to keep track of the transactions that has been completed. We want to mark them as completed in our database. In order to avoid checking the same transactions more than once, we would like to retrieve the transactions…

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Regarding Updates to Package data, there appears to be a date/time data field called "update".  The Package also seems to have a similar date/time data field called "update" for Sender info contained inside a Package.  Do…

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We have been using the "name" field in Packages along with "description" field.  Is there another field that we could dedicate for our use? 

For example, and Ideally, we would have a "drop down" box with pre…

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Re Expiry date, it seems I can check [defaultTimeBasedExpiry] bool field to know Expiry date s/b calc'd by adding [remainingDays] field to Txn creation date.

There is another field call [maximumRemainingDays]<- what is this…

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*OneSpan Sign does not seem to allow any/all changes to automatic reminders after Txn in question has been sent for signing, is this normal/correct behavior?

*It seems OneSpan Sign allows manual initiation/sending of reminders…

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I have been using the rest api to create transactions for the signing ceremony. The api returns a token and the transaction id. I have built the url to open it in another browser tab and continue with the signing ceremony. I was…

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Hi there, when using API to pull data in using "from" / "to" parms, is the only way to control pagination via limiting data requested or do some API's have explicit pagination.  Sample below is from Facebook API as an example.

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We are trying to have documents signed via the api in order to do some automated testing. 

For signing documents we are using the following curl command. It returns 200, but they don't appear signed…

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I can't find an API call that can give me list of time and date in which each signers are notified to sign documents. Also is there is an API call that lists each signer and their signed date?

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please suggest what are suitable and best authentication tokens (user, sender, signer etc.,) that we should implement if we will have to get the unassigned docs signed through OSS



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I am trying to add validation to a Canadian Postal Code field using REST API using following code.

'validation' = {'required': True, 'maxLength'

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Hi team!

The email will be sent while the package is created , please see the below codes:

PackageId packageId = eslClient.createPackageFromTemplate(currentTemplate.getId(), newPackage); eslClient.sendPackage…

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Its possible append document to existing package using application/json content type and base64 coded pdf?

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Could you please provide some sample REST API code or URL/Details to download a "AuditTrailDocument" as PDF.

The information in this location are not clear.
