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Hi, We have an onsite installation of esignlive and ewitness esl api shows following version at /api/sysinfo { "schema": "16.10.4", "version": "16.6.16", "timestamp": "2017-12-12 23:32+0000" } I'm attempting to extract the…
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We have been using the "name" field in Packages along with "description" field.  Is there another field that we could dedicate for our use? 

For example, and Ideally, we would have a "drop down" box with pre…

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We have a scenario where there is extra long names and the Esign stamp is truncating those at about 70 characters. We need to retain the whole text for legal purposes. Is there a solution or work around…

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Re Expiry date, it seems I can check [defaultTimeBasedExpiry] bool field to know Expiry date s/b calc'd by adding [remainingDays] field to Txn creation date.

There is another field call [maximumRemainingDays]<- what is this…

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Hi Is there a REST call that can make a package expire on demand. I am aware of expiry dates field , but I need a REST call that I can make when I need to based on some business logic. Regards Mario
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Guys, I cannot seem to find documentation on how to create radio buttons and groups. Do you guys have any examples or documentation that you can point me to?
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Guys, I am looking at the documentation for sending documents to a vault and was wondering if anyone had any examples for me to view.…
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Could I have an example of creating or updating package by REST API in MS Dynamics Business Central ?

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Hi we are using an in house install of the evidence api https:// [server] /evidence/api/v2/{guid}pdf/false https:// [server] /evidence/api/v2/{guid}/html/false while running some tests, we are seeing the following error, could you please…
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Ever since the last update we are noticing issues with download the Evidence Summary. Our file system is telling us that the request coming back from the API call we are making is a 0kb size. Also, this is completely…

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If we wanted to NOT put a logo but place a barcode on the evidence summary template can we do that for eSignLite. 

We want our OCR technology to be able to pick up that it's an evidence summary document and perform…

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Hello, I have a question about evidence summary. Is it possible to custom it? So, for example, change the logo or the title? (See Screenshot) Godinas Maxime,
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We are successfully receiving EVENT NOTIFICATIONS on one of our service endpoints:
name=PACKAGE_COMPLETE, sessionUser=xxx, packageId=rf3254trfdsdsa-K3PDEY=, message=null, documentId=null, createdDate=2019-08-07T14:14:58.508Z
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It seems that there is no event notification for when an email is blocked. Say an email is used multiple times for a signer and that email bounces. Eventually it gets caught by OneSpan and is now "blocked" if that email is again…

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Hi, Is there any api for health check of esignlive server so that we can identify whether the esignlive server is up or down? Thank you.
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Hi, We are using the REST API service for eSignLive Integration. Observed that, sign navigation is not being displayed for IOS Device in Safari browser and received the update that this is known issue and will be addressed in Q4 . But our…
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Hi Can you please give me a link to the object docs It used to be at the link below Regards Mario
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Hi, please assist with the following issue: I was able to successfully receive a transaction callbacks and download multiple packages. However, each morning, upon initiating very first transaction I receive "eSignLive Callback failed."…
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Hi All, Any one have an idea , how to integrate the esign live with Oracle Database(PL/SQL)). I have searched and not able to find anything on this. Regards Mathew
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Hi OneSpan Team - As per our requirement , we need to have a Signature block at the end of the document to capture the Fullname and DateTime when the document was signed. We have the applied the {{esl:Signer1:Signature}} tag at the end…
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Hi, I have a scenario where a owner or a "power of attorney" can eSign the document. Currently, I have the JSON for teh rEST API to create the package where one signer can sign. Can I create the JSON where either of the roles can eSing,…
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we have a production case, when the client tried to confirm the signature, it got error. 


In the backend log: 

2020-06-04 23:50:02,568 INFO  [com.silanis.esl…

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I'm using same code in demo and in prod, works fine for demo but not in pord. but I'm getting the following error message. {"messageKey":"error.validation.createProcess.missingData","message":"Missing process definition.","code":400,…
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After creating a transaction in onespan sign using REST API, user is getting the below error while signing the document :

The selected document('s) could not be uploaded. The document('s) might be…