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Hi there,

I've been finishing through all the threads and guides but not sure what was wrong with my code. Please see attached txt file & screenshots.

I've used logic apps to convert the PDF file to base64…

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We're developing an application that's connected to the Onespan Sign Sandbox and we're experiencing the following problem: we're using a token authentication policy when connecting to Onespan, and intermittently, we get…

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We have been using oneSpan for around 2 years now and we weren't facing any issues with adding documents to a package but recently when we're trying to add certain pdfs, we are getting an error - "The number of Pre-Verify results does…

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We are facing this issue intermittently in production.

We have a grid on our template which includes set of `Country Code` and `Phone Number` fields. 

The issue is - after package is…

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As described in this post  we can configure some "personal message" for the Recipient. Just want to know where this …

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My company has a need to retrieve the actual signing stroke data that results from a CAPTURE type signature. It appears that this data is available already, but I cannot find documentation for the format of that data.

In the…

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Hi there, I'm trying to delete a document in python but I'm getting this return:

400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:

I don't…

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I'm trying to send a new document in a package that has the status: Draft

But I get the error response

b'{"messageKey":"error.validation.invalidParameters","technical":"Unexpected Content-Disposition value for…

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We are integrating with Onespan using Rest API.

We have three types of Roles. Broker , customer and Business.

Broker first sign an agreement(using esign), followed by customer and then Business people sign an…

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We're receiving some errors in OneSpan when we're running our batch class in Salesforce. The vast majority of records are processed but we're left with a few K that do not run and we receive the errors in the debug logs shown below.

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We have integrated with Onespan using REST API. Just wanted to check , If it is possible to add additional recipients in CC, not as signers, but as viewers only. E.g. make sure everyone listed as an additional recipient gets a copy of…

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Hello Team,

I'm working on the use case below and was wondering if you could help ! 

Use Case: We have an existing template with some documents and fields on it and we want to retrieve those fields to bind some…

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I'm trying to call OneSpan API call from MS Power BI, but currently unsuccessful.  How does one handle renewing Bearer Token? Below example was attempting to get a Token, didn't output error but seemed to hang. Mike(C)

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We have below settings that we are using in SOAP now we are migrating to REST.
Please provide us exact mappings to REST service for below fields

"setting": {      "declineReaons":&nbsp…

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Using REST we are able to create the package without sender, but when we add sender details the package Create API is giving 404 with 'Resource not found' error message

Could you help us on above issue…

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We are able to create the package but the status was not changing to SENT. below is the sample request we are using to create the package and then updating the status.

We are calling the…

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Around the 5th October it looks like we can no longer create packages containing a mix of text anchor fields and positional placement fields.

The following payload used to work before Oct 5th in the…

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Hi team,

Is possible to have a template with a fillable PDF and we will fill the field using the API when we call the template (for exemple account number, contract number...) before send it to signature ?

Thank you<…

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I have a template with 550 label fields. I saved the fields to a new layout. Now, I need to shift all 550 label fields 8 pixels up. Doing it manually is a painful process. 

Is there a way I can do this - 


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How do I enable parallel signing? A use case will be around 1-10 signatories that we need to be able to sign in any order at and at the same time. We're integrating One span using Rest API, appreciate if you can…

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I'm trying to use the One Span API to create a package from a template. In the list of api calls

I sese

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Hi there.

What I'm trying to do is specify the sender of a package to be [email protected].  Our main account owner is [email protected]. No matter how I update my JSON, the package sender is still sxxx…

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Hi is it possible using the REST API to disable the activation email at the transaction level? For certain transactions we want to send the activation email but for others we are serving the signing URL and don't want the activation…

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I've noticed in the UI I am able to add tooltips to my radio buttons. I am wondering if this is a possible in the api as well ie

{ "id":"signer1_group1_radio1", "name":"signer1_group1_radio1", "type":"INPUT", "subtype":"RADIO"…

Normal topic

I was able to sign a document when a signer is assigned to a signbox using API.
But the same users sign is not possible when the singer belongs to a group.

is there any restriction to sign via APIs for groups?