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When I delete a package with:
DELETE /packages/{packageId}
It returns status code 200, with no response payload. I can call this repeatedly, and it always gives the same response, even when it is already deleted. If DELETE…
Normal topic
Once the Package is updated with status = "SENT", emails are sent to the corresponding applicants (signers) in the package. However, since this process is happening in front of the Lender, I would I like to provide the applicants (borrower…
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How do I enable parallel signing? A use case will be around 1-10 signatories that we need to be able to sign in any order at and at the same time. We're integrating One span using Rest API, appreciate if you can…

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How do I add an email validation in my text tag? "Without using signature builder"

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Hi everyone,

We are working to integrate OneSpan with Pega application in order to manage the Customer Digital Onboarding process.

Currently, we achieved consume many API services in order to create a transaction and…

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Hi , Currently we are sending the Value for the date as mentioned below but still getting the date as 2017-04-20 (yyyy-mm-dd) format. { "binding" : "{approval.signed}", "extract" : "true", "name" : …
Normal topic
Hello How can use esign API for php application? Please help us!
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Hi Is the signer locked out for all packages or only one package he failed to answer the questions for? How can I unlock a…
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Hi  Team,


I need to create a package with an existing unique id (custom id)

while creating a package,

ex for package payload



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We are testing the new signing experience and have noticed that we see the account owner in the list of signers when trying to switch. I am using the standard option that we use for the old signing experience but it doesn't appear to…

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How can i hide more actions dropdown located in navbar right? I need to send some particular property in settings.ceremony when create a package?

(here in screenshot says: "Mas acciones", which in english means More Actions)<…

Normal topic
In the signing ceremony, How can the language button be hidden . can it be done via the REST API
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Our integration has the browser embedded within our app, and with it we have a fairly stripped-down look in the header area of the signing session. We would like to finish our signing with these 2 extra things I can't figure out: 1…
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How can I disable the pop up dialog after signing completed? I'm checking this documentation for package level settings:…
Normal topic
When I open document in designer mode to add fields, My name (account holder name) is listed in signers select box. But I don't want my name in default. Is there any way to hide my name (Account holder name) from signers list, I am using…
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Hi Is there a way to hide the Exit Document button? Can it be done at the account level? When I am creating a package, I am setting the HandOver (href, title, text ) object . Will the hiding it at the account level , override this…
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Hi I am unable to hide the confirm button. The button is disabled, but I cannot hide it. package id on sandbox is VAV3tvWNJYyaz3FNxTta4q3IuXI= See the attached screenshot Regards Mario
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When using attached javascript code to create and upload document 1 step below error is thrown:

{ "messageKey":"error.validation.documentPreVerifyInvalidResponseNumberError", "parameters":{   &nbsp…

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Hi, I am unable to create a package with the JAVA sdk for the attached document. I am getting an eslServerException with a technical message 


{"message":"Unexpected error. We apologize for any…

Normal topic
I need some help figuring out how to auto-populate fields in our documents (i.e. fields that auto-fill upon signature). So, I've been able to add an auto-populating date field to one of our documents using this JSON: …
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Since yesterday, when we try to create a new package in Sandbox US1 using Java, we get this errors: Received fatal…

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We have an application that opens an overlay that contains the iframe for esigning (this is all happens in React SPA app). From what I can tell the handOver url will only redirect within the iframe containing esign. Is there…
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Hi Can the handover URL be set at the account level. Thanks Mario
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Has anyone noticed problems with the handover URL and hash location strategy routing? If so, have you found a workaround? When setting the handover url to something like "", we are seeing…
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I am also finding it difficult to set the correct href. When I use the example '' when the button is clicked it has a query string attached. When I use a my own url urlencoded spaces are inserted or it redirects to esignLive…