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Hello; I am trying to set up REST API integration for one of my clients. I've gotten as far as: 1) Create The Package 2) Add a Document 3) Create a Signer (Role) 4) Add the Signer I am now trying to send the document to the Signer. …
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Hi What is the difference between the vs What setting overrides the other. Thanks Mario
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Hi, I am not getting email bounce notification for wrong email signer in request. This is my post to silanis, please let me know is there anything missing in request. I have checked the email bounce check box in call back events. { …
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Hi team, 

We are developing a web application that uses OneSpan Api to authorize transactions. We want to know if is possible to set a signature data with values that we already have stored in our database.


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Hi, does the URL given by{id}/roles/{id}/signingUrl expire? If so, is it configurable? Thanks, Jimmy
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Hi All, Hope someone can shed some light on what i am doing wrong. In salesforce apex code I am creating package DateTime dT =; dT.addDays(7); ESignLiveExamples.createPackageWithDocumentsExample( 'Demo12', true, 'Demo12…
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Hi Team, We have a client reporting that they recently noticed that they are getting two types of status from OneSpan, 'SIGNING_COMPLETED' and 'COMPLETE', when individual signer completes the signing process. Whereas, previously they were…
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Hi Is there a way to expire a signing session via the REST api. When does the signing session expire by default. Are there any business rules for expiry ? Thanks Mario
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Hi, We have been trying to sign all documents using the canadian REST API ( We tried creating a package with the code provided on . We added a role …
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Guys, Can someone tell me what the standard time out setting is for the digital signing room? Is it changeable on an account level? Also, since we getting the user auth token, is this taken into account or does the digital signing room…
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Hello, I am having a problem where documents in the signing package appear to be ordered randomly during signing. We always send the documents in the same order. Is there any way to ensure the order of the package using the documents<…
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Hello everybody,


I try to implement a signing order, but it doesn't work. All three Emails are sent at the same time.

What's wrong? Here is my json code:


"documents": [

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Hi ,

is it possible to sign the document on behalf of client when client agrees to digital consent.

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Is there any way to customize a signing date to comply to a specific date format? I.E. something like dd/mmm/yyyy? Would there be a difference if the date is injected with [Signer1.Fullname1.label1.Date] as a pdf form field or if the…
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Hi, Is it necessary to start signing ceremony with Iframe only? Can we use any other way to start signing ceremony in webpage? Thank you.
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Hi, We can generate package but not signing ceremony token from Safari browser. So, we see that package id is generated but we can not generate token when calling from safari browser. Can you please help for solving this issue? Thank…
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I am trying to configure out settings and I see that you guys have the new signing experience, which looks awesome. Is there any way to configure the new items? I was looking through the Signing Ceremony Settings for…

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Signing ceremony is required to collect signature or ‘Click to Sign’ option from user using eSign UI. When user chooses ‘Click to Sign’ option, he or she does not need to sign in signing text pad. Is it possible to pass ‘Click…
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Some of our signers do not have the last name. What should be passed via REST API in such cases? Someone without a last name should be allowed to register a signature on his document.


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Hi Team, I have Created a package using "REST API" which has two signers , And when any one of the signer is "Decline" the document the other signer status is also getting "Decline" Basically i should get the one signer Decline And…
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If document has no text tag in this case can signers position is defaulted values for end of document.
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Team, I am looking for help with below scenarios 1) To add a signer to a transaction, is signer emaild id mandatory in signer json request? 2) What if we have a scenario, where a couple wants to use same email id, but both has to…
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Hello everyone, 

Currently I have a requirement to have multiple signers following a signing order for each transaction. To do this I am creating the transactions with two Roles (I specify the signing order per role) and…

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I would like to have 2 signers. The first one is required to upload an attachment. However, I do not want signing to move to the second signer until after the upload takes place. I would then like the second signer to be able to view the…
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When requesting a signer session token via REST API, we pass the packageId and signerId. How does the signerId: [email protected] match up with the json package? Looks like it goes off what is specified in the roles:signers:email…