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OneSpan Sign
Hello Support,
as per requirement in my project, I have to pass multiple documents(2-3) in same package for multiple e-signing.
and after e-singing of all the parties, I have to separate out these multiple documents by category.
I am using .net SDK for this.
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OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to understand the difference between CreatePackage and CreatePackageOneStep in the .Net SDK.
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OneSpan Sign
Valid sender requires both a first name and a last name, but what about when the sender is a company or only has one name. There is no ability to leave one blank.
In the OneSpan UI, first name and last name are both required fields.
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OneSpan Sign
I see in your .net SDK documentation that you can setup the push notifications by running this code:
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OneSpan Sign
I'm using your .NET SDK, version 11.20.
I have read here: https://www.onespan.com/blog/onespan-sign-release-1118-enforcing-signature-capture-signature-level?_ga=2.154275704.1343324496.1576399843-896096308.1544024362
In OneSpan Sign, signers will only be asked to draw their signatur
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OneSpan Sign
I have a question, when I did this tutorial check package status and download files , an
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OneSpan Sign
I have 3 groups of signers, lets call them Group1, Group2 and Group 3
A document package is constructed in which there can be multiple documents.
Group1 and Group2 always need to sign all documents.
While Group3 only signs particular documents.
These Groups sign in order, so Group1 first, then Gro
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OneSpan Sign
In the CA sandbox environment we ran into the following error when uploading a package using the .NET SDK. The package had multiple signers with the same email address. As OneSpan now supports signers with the same email, we were not expecting to get any errors.
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OneSpan Sign
I need to have a way to enter the url like https://sandbox.esignlive.com/packages/ab854149-bd9c-4c80-89e0-3a6012c23659 and using single sign on be instantly put into that document packages edit screen using your web interface.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi there,
I'm using the .NET integration guide found here to create a package:
When running this portion of the sample code I get the error below: