234 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
I am tryng to change my working code from uploading a single PDF containing a "stage" of forms to upload each form selected from the "stage" as a PDF.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi Duo,
Hope you are doing well! I have a few questions about the SMS Authentication Service update that we received through the OSS Service Notification system.
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OneSpan Sign
Retrieve a List of Users in an Account
When performing GET the response contains the correct count of senders in my Account but it is only returning 1 sender in the results but shoul
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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
I am getting following error while trying to update the expiry date of a package
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OneSpan Sign
just started to work with the REST API.
currently working thru the Python test cases / examples.
i have two initial observations.
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OneSpan Sign
We're trying to generate the package using template. Templates are created in sandbox.esignlive.com.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there documentation for what a listener would look like to get updates when a package is complete?
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OneSpan Sign
Using the .NET sdk, is it possible to update the handover Link after the document has been created and sent to esign.
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OneSpan Sign
When the document is pushed to eOriginal, the contract is returned with a watermark "Non-Authoriative". I wish to update this watermark to "Copy of Original". Is this possible?