266 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to support the following use case:
1. Form is sent to a recipient to be completed and signed.
2. Completed forms is returned to the sender for verification.
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OneSpan Sign
The documentation talks about ApiKeyAuth (being deprecated) and ApiTokenAuth (recommended replacement).
Apparently a "Client Id" + "Secret" is combined to create a "Token" but I don't know how this is done for API's below.
I am not clear on "single use" vs "multi-use".
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OneSpan Sign
Hey there!
I have a transaction with ExpirationDate with 2 signers (with sign order) and are required Attachments.
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OneSpan Sign
It appears that if our senders upload documents close to the 16mb limit then the signers sign when the sender goes to download the documents they are receiving an error (attached below) which we know is NOT a network connectivity issue.
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OneSpan Sign
You do have a 2021 enhancement request that is on your priority list to increase the MB size. however in the meantime we are having issues with the ES not being emailed. We've sent out numerous communications to tell our users to always use their Dashboard.
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OneSpan Sign
I need a way to prefill some input values. This is something that we can done with onespan sign api today, but prefill input are mutable (once approval access to signing url, he can change their values)
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OneSpan Sign
Hi I'm getting this error but not sure how to debug it.
Is there a way to know which user it is referring to?
{"sender":{"email":"[email protected]"},"settings":{"ceremony":{"events":{"complete":{"dialog":true,"redirect":"https://www.google.ca/search?q=beaches&biw=1680&bih=905&tbm=isc
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OneSpan Sign
I'm wondering what kind of "out of the box" options eSignLive may have to facilitate a requirement of ours.
We are fulfilling the role of sender and the signers are (obviously) filling the role of signer, but what if we had a 3rd party who was not either a sender or a signer but is interested in kn
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We recently put in place a listener that is supposed to pull all completed documents as you would expect. The customer is reporting that there are a large number of documents that didn't get pulled from the OSS cloud. They all were created by the same sender using bulk send.
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OneSpan Sign
Hello, We have integrated our salesforce application with onespan using APEX SDK.