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OneSpan Sign
I was wondering if it's possible to change the "Clear All" message. Right now if you click on the button this message pops up: "You are about to remove all the signature fields and barcodes from this document.
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OneSpan Sign
I'm looking for information on the declined process. When a signer declines a document, what happens in the system? Does the signer status get updated or is this at a package level? What happens to the package?
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OneSpan Sign
Hi There,
In the integration that I'm doing, I will collect user's data on the Portal that I'm building and by using that data, I will generate a PDF and on that PDF I want to get the user's signature and the signature part has to be inside the application.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi OneSpan Support Team
We're looking to enable 2-way SSL between our application and OneSpan using the Java SDK. Can you please provide some guidance on:
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OneSpan Sign
My company is working on a mobile application (android & iOS) that handles roommate agreements. We are generating PDFs from HTML and were hoping that the eSignLiveSDK would be a turn key solution to adding eSignatures to the experience.
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OneSpan Sign
After signing ceremony, we have pdf file with signatures that is in general active pdf. In this active pdf, customers can view some legal properties that we do not expect in our application.
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OneSpan Sign
Hey team,
One of our customer is asking do we have some logging capabilities in our SDK? They are using Java SDK and they want to know what API calls have been eventually sent out.
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OneSpan Sign
One of our customer is using a Iframe with one span sign URL embedded in .net 5 mvc web application.
The problem is that if a user refresh the page they get an error access unauthorized your authentication token is incorrect.
"Accès non autorisé.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We have integrated our salesforce application with onespan using APEX SDK for our signature use cases.
During our signature request, we need user to input their tax number, for that we are passing following expression which works fine:
But, w
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
When requesting a signer session token via REST API, we pass the packageId and signerId. How does the signerId: [email protected] match up with the json package?