316 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
I'm going back around into the in-person notary signing experience on the new signing experience and I was wondering if there is a way to turn off the option to allow the notary to exit signing mode. This is currently an option under the More Actions tab.
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OneSpan Sign
We've done our initial production rollout of our new feature that includes eSignLive integration - everything is working great, but one of the early feedback items that has come back our way is the desire to do a bit of custom branding around the signing session.
One of the items requested was to p
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OneSpan Sign
How can i find out from the object docs if a field is mandatory or optional.
For example Firstname is mandatory for creating a signer , but the docs dont seem to indicate that it is.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a way via the API to get an a count of attachments for a transaction or a list of transactions and when they were added. It doesn't appear new attachments change the Update Date. We have people who are signing their transactions and then coming back multiple times to get the
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OneSpan Sign
I am unable to manually add a sender to the account using the instructions found here: https://community.onespan.com/documentation/onespan-sign/guides/connector-guides
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OneSpan Sign
I am looking for a C# code that will allow me to to add a signer in an specific page but the signing has to be optional. So when they sign the document it will be complete even though they forgot to sign in one page because it was not require it was optional.
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OneSpan Sign
We are trying to integrate our application to esign live and noticed that opt-out option is not displaying on the esign ceremony.
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OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to disable the " Click-to-sign" feature in designer at package level(may be)?
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OneSpan Sign
We create a package from our Salesforce API and redirect the user to the signing URL in case of in-person signing.
Is it possible to remove the "Exit Signing" option from the "More Actions" menu?
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OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to create 2 optional signature blocks in a document that are intended for 'additional signers' that have not been defined as a signer in the package?