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OneSpan Sign
I'm wondering if there is a timeline on when the next SharePoint Connector update would be released. Currently on eSignLive Web version there an "Attachment" feature which requires signers to upload attachments as part of the signing process.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi All,
When I'm consuming the attachment requirements download API and PDF Document download API, It just gives me the stream of data. Is there anyway, that I can get the MIME type of that particular Document/Attachment?.
Thanks in Advance.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a way via the API to get an a count of attachments for a transaction or a list of transactions and when they were added. It doesn't appear new attachments change the Update Date. We have people who are signing their transactions and then coming back multiple times to get the
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OneSpan Sign
I'm having a problem. When I define the payload to create the transaction, OneSpan overrides the attachment ID.
For example, the user is required to attach 2 documents.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi, I have a method to Retrieve the attachment:public async Task<byte[]> GetAttachmentContentAsync(string packageId, string attachmentId){
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OneSpan Sign
Dear, When we are creating a new package with the .net SDK we need to know if the template has any roles that have attachment requirements. Sofar I can see is this information not mapped when we make a request.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to set an external reviewer (different from the user that creates the transaction) who would check if it is correct a mandatory attachment for a signer. This reviewer would also need to receive the documents after all the signatures are completed.
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OneSpan Sign
We have integrated with OneSpan using your .Net SDK (version ). We are experiencing a scenario where we have a transaction has 1 document, 1 recipient and 1 attachment request. The document is signed and the user uploads an attachment. The sender rejec
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OneSpan Sign
Using the current print driver v2.2 :
1. I have prior session "A", that is completed prior.
2. I have created a new document signing session "B".