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OneSpan Sign
I have been trying to upload multiple documents with a post request to '/api/packages' (the sandbox) url and getting getting the error indicating the number of documents sent in the payload is different from what I attached,
Could have a look at the code and let me know, what I am missing?
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OneSpan Sign
For over a year I have been creating packages using a JSON string as the package name (something like "{ApplicationId: 1033}"). I do this because the package name comes through in the event callback notification, and I can easily deserialize the package name and extract some informatio
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OneSpan Sign
This issue seems to have started sometime in the last 24 hours, but I can no longer attach .docx or .doc files to transactions within the sandbox environment.
If I attempt to upload via the UI I get the following error after about 30 seconds:
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am using a sandbox so perhaps the class definition does not match what is there.
I get an invalid primitive error on the following code snippet:
string pkgId = ESignLiveExamples.createPackageExample();
ESignLiveSDK sdk = new ESignLiveSDK();
ESignLiveAPIObjects.Package_x pkg = sdk.getPackage
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am running into an issue when attempting to remove a partially signed document from within a transaction.
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OneSpan Sign
We are implementing Conditional fields. I am starting by trying to get our existing text tag to use the fieldName. From the documentation, I see this syntax {{esl_SignerAutograph:signer1:Signature}} .
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OneSpan Sign
We are getting below error uploading PDF document {"message":"[error.validation.verifyDocument.documentExtractError]","code":400,"messageKey":"error.validation.verifyDocument.documentExtractError","name":"Validation Error"}
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OneSpan Sign
I am running into an issue when using a layout that was created with placeholders that specify both an ID and a description. The layout can be successfully created and viewed, but the layout cannot be applied to a package.
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OneSpan Sign
When I create package via SDK, I got between errors:
1; when I set sms cellphone=64939837
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Good afternoon,
My team is using the On-Premise version of ESignLive. This weekend, we updated one of our environments from version 6.2 to 6.5.