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OneSpan Sign
Hi, Is it possible to create a package with status not draft and then notify a signer at a later point. I have a use case where some signers will need to click a link through an email in order to sign and others will click a link through our portal.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am trying to create a document package and send it as a "draft".
Here is the code that I have came up with :
EslClient eslClient;
PackageId packageId = eslClient.CreatePackage(package);
if I want to create a package with a "sent" status instead of draft, I ad this line :
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Was there a change to how radio buttons are being sent? For some reason I am seeing an issue where it appears all of my radio buttons are being sent as the same group and when I try to pull the package information from the GET API call, they are not in the package.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
In the email template body which is html file, my client request such as below to embed a link to website
<a href="https://www.example.com/xxx.html" target="_blank">
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OneSpan Sign
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
If I update an existing package to SENT am I able to add any new documents to the package? Can I can update the package status to ACTIVE or some other status, add the document and then update status again to SENT?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi is it possible using the REST API to disable the activation email at the transaction level? For certain transactions we want to send the activation email but for others we are serving the signing URL and don't want the activation email sent.
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OneSpan Sign
When signer receive the email to sign the document and after clicking the link document is opening.
is there any way signer can adjust signature box to move to correct position.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to send a form to a non-signer to populate the form before signing?
The idea is:
1) Create a package via Salesforce, Salesforce merges some info onto the document
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We have been using SMS Authentication for Signing Ceremony. First time when user clicks on link in email, a sms was sent. But after 2hr when user clicks on the same email link again no new code was generated and was able to use the code sent earlier.
If this normal behavior?