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OneSpan Sign
Greetings for the day.
The person logs into web application, where the eSigning can be done in 2 ways.
1. Sign and
2. Request Signature
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to specify the url to a custom company page which contains the iframe signing ceremony? Also, is the signer notification email message/layout to sign a document customizable?
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OneSpan Sign
Might be a dumb question - are email addresses required for signers?
Can you add a signer without an email address to an in-person ceremony?
Thanks. -- Bryan
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OneSpan Sign
Is there any way how we can authenticate the signing process using email address rather than the phonenumber.
The scenario to be more precise is that
after eslClient.SendPackage(packageId);
When we get the signingUrl back, we would want to authenticate it via email.
I have found the authentication
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Could you provide an example for searching packages with signer email? It seems only package name is used for searching. Thanks.
Here is the URL I used:
https://serverurl/api/[email protected]&from=1&to=10
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to implement eSignlive for my specific scenario:
1) I have created a document that will be sent to two users in sequeance through signing URL
2) First user will see Signature fields to sign
3) Second user will see Approve/Disapprove fields and select approve or disapprove
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Final requirement for the day.
So I have two signers on my documents. I want the email afterward to get sent to three different addresses.
Is there a good way to add a CC or additional email for follow-up?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
In the email JSON, I saw there is something as below, does it mean when recipient mail got reject, it will let the package owner know?
"bounce-to" : "$PACKAGE_OWNER_EMAIL;"
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is there an API for re-sending the signing completion email to the signers? The email with a link to download the completed documents. Thanks!