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OneSpan Sign
I have a few redirects that I am trying that are not working and would love to know where I'm going wrong.
1. I've set the handover and complete event to force the redirect of a user when completing a package and it doesn't seem to work.
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OneSpan Sign
I am using the SDK to create a ceremony with a custom signer id and I need to use the signer's email.
The SignerBuilder.withCustomId(String) method's javadoc says the following:
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OneSpan Sign
I am not able to fetch the documents after signing a package.
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OneSpan Sign
SSO PROBLEM, I explain the problem to you :
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OneSpan Sign
I am working on a project where we will submit documents to ESign Live from our electronic document storage system. Whenever the primary application stores the documents electronically, it automatically protects the PDF document from modification with a password.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi ,
I am posting below JSON, but its returning 1006 error code and the server repsonse is : Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: https://sandbox.e-signlive.com/api/packages/
************************************************************************** JSON START****************************
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
In the JSON retrieved for a Package is there a way to figure out Who (Role/Email) has delegated to Who (Role/Email).
After delegation we get the ROLE_REASSIGN event.
"@class": "com.silanis.esl.packages.event.ESLRoleReassignEvent",
"sessionUser": "4f124151-9ab9-4956-bf8b-c67454f2b63d"
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We have been trying to sign all documents using the canadian REST API (e-signlive.ca/api)
We tried creating a package with the code provided on https://developer.esignlive.com/guides/feature-guides/sign-documents/ .
We added a role ('Sender') and approval for this role.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi -
SHORT: How to assign "RoleID" to SignerBuilder in vb.Net ?