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OneSpan Sign
I know it's been a while since we've had a discussion about this but I not circling back around to this topic.
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OneSpan Sign
I am testing the use of the JavaSDK in my local environment using my person sandbox API key. It has worked fine with the classic experience, but my organization is moving to NSE and I want to test documents that I create with NSE. Can I convert my sandbox account to the NSE?
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to work with the new signer experience and I am seeing a few issues that I am not able to resolve as there does not seem to be any documentation on how to set these items.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a change in updatePackage call for new signing experience. I am able to generate the package and update the package with settings and roles from old signing experience account but same cannot be done with new signer experience account.
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OneSpan Sign
We've got a form where one section is a radio button group. The "Actions required" language at the top of the New Signer Experience form is telling user there are 8 actions when in actuality there are only three because one of the actions is a radio button group.
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OneSpan Sign
New Signer experience with local language support . Creation of templates in local language.
We have used Java SDK .
Please provide me JAVA Code for this.
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OneSpan Sign
We are moving over to New Signer Experience. We are using Java SDK to add validation to fields like this:
.withValidation(FieldValidatorBuilder.regex("^\\d{2}/\\d{4}$").required().withErrorMessage("Please enter a valid retirement date (MM/YYYY)"))
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
.withValidation(FieldValidatorBuilder.regex("^\\d{2}/\\d{4}$").required().withErrorMessage("Please enter a valid retirement date (MM/YYYY)"))
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We are testing the new signing experience and have noticed that we see the account owner in the list of signers when trying to switch. I am using the standard option that we use for the old signing experience but it doesn't appear to work.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello! For my project, I'm creating signing packages using the API. I believe I was customizing the signer experience at one point from the package payload using the settings property. Specifically the layout.brandingBar.logo.src, and the colours in style.dialog/toolbar/titleBar.