

When activating the authenticator using the Orchestrator SDK, we keep getting the error -8002. This happens to some users, and when they try to retry the activation, the problem persists.

In order to minimize the occurrence of this issue, we have some questions:

What could be the possible causes of this error?

How can we prevent this issue from happening?


Hi OneSpan,

We are going to implement app shielding for RASP. According to the app shielding document, there are several APIs for automated shielding: We have few questions for that:

1) Where can we find the full API document?

2) How to use these APIs for automated shielding? Any example for call shielding process/ shielding status/ shielded binary? What parameters for these call?

Thank you so much.


Ou app use the eSignLiveSDK for iOS and that compile correctly in iOS 11. I need to update XCode to debug our code using a device with iOS 13.6. When I try compiling our app in XCode 12, I get an error: 

Module compiled with Swift 5.2.4 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.3 compiler

I tried downloading swing toolchain, but can't run the generated executable on the device, it's not that useful. Do someone have a solution or workaround?



Orchestration SDK seems to have support for ARM only. We are not able to build an app with this SDK and test on iOS Simulator. 

If we are only able to build for actual devices and not the iOS simulator, it may drastically increase our development time to many folds.

Our project deadlines are quite short and this may make take a huge toll on our business.


Please give us some solutions ASAP.


Hello, I am implementing signature for an iOs application, I am showing with WKWebView.

but I don't know how to hide or close this WKWebView when the user has finished signing. used WKWebView delegates, but when you go from the signature view to the "Thank you" view, not  call none this delegates 


How can I know when the user has signed and can close the webView.?


  func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) {



We are currently facing issues where we did not receive the confirmation (PackageId) from eSign with didSynchronizeTransaction.

So, is there a way to retrieve PackageId with a given temporaryId from iOS SDK?


Also, we are using the SDK with in person and distant (inPerson: false) sign request. From those distant contract signing, will it be possible to retrieve the PackageId?
