
I have been using the rest api to create transactions for the signing ceremony. The api returns a token and the transaction id. I have built the url to open it in another browser tab and continue with the signing ceremony. I was wondering if is there a way to bypass the One Span UI and use my own UI for the signing ceremony? Using the branding of the company. Is it possible using the api or is it integrating some SDK? My stack is VueJS and Laravel.

Hello, I are not using the iOS SDK, and instead loading the signing ceremony from the signingURL in web views on both iOS and Android tablets. The load times vary, and even with a one page document, there can be several seconds of a blank white screen, even after the page has already loaded, before the signing ceremony actually shows up. However, I noticed that when opening these urls on mobile PHONES, a mobile UI loads that is much nicer and quicker on mobile - this would work a thousand times better for us on tablets.