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I have been trying to wait to ask more questions and consolidate them in one post for you. Your welcome. :) Regarding the iframe/inperson signing ceremony. In the package API that we send to eSignLive to create the signing ceremony…

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When I add the following text tag, I receive a format error:


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How can you have a clustered configuration with OneSpan Signon. 

I have several servers which I like to have the eSignature service running on them, whats the best way to create a cluster configuration that can run the…

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We know that version 11.42 will be out in SandBox on June 9, 2021 and in PROD on July 8, 2021.



In our internal process, we need to know…

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Generate multiple transaction through button click in Salesforce

How to attach a transaction with custom object in Salesforce

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Good day,

Our users are about to create a new group, and they want to validate, verify, re-use or modify the default.consent.document from a previous team.

Normally, I would just create a package and grab a copy of…

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We are trying to use this tool to download all the documents and test summaries of the application. However, when trying to connect through the channels offered by the system, it throws us the following error.

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I would like to know if anyone has or disables any of the auditing that OneSpan enables in MS Dynamics.

I would also like to know if there are any repercussions with disabling auditing for OneSpan in MS Dynamics…

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How OneSpan extract the text tag field from PDF? 

for example: for Acrofield PDF, we are using itext to read acrofield as PdfReader.getAcroFields().getFields(), do you know how to read text tag using itext?…

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We has just started our production account with OneSpan for the use of OneSpan Sign, which was live as of 3/1/2023. Specifically, we had a sandbox account to test the integration with Laserfiche Cloud and I…

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I got "error.validation.vulnerableInput" when update signer with signer's first name as "<cindy>", and it seems this is new error after v11.56, would you please confirm? and what's this error message for? and in which…

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Hi , I am able to connect to Sandbox from my personal laptop, while connecting from my office getting connection refused, do we need to enable open any specific port or modify any firewall settings? Could you please suggest? Error…
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Team , Is it possible to add a Holographic Signature ? Regards Surya
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What happens when the server that is setup to receive callbacks isn't available due to a network issue or an issue with the server itself. Are any attempts made to retry the notification. Also, are there any suggestions on how to handle…
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Hi, We would like to use the signer_complete event notification so that we get notified on when a signer for a given package has completed signing. Below is the event that we receive but the event has no indication of which signer…
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Hi, We have been using SMS Authentication for Signing Ceremony. First time when user clicks on link in email, a sms was sent. But after 2hr when user clicks on the same email link again no new code was generated and was able to use the…
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I see there is a RESTful API to update an existing document in a package. Is there a function call in .Net SDK to achieve the same thing? Or, do I need to call 'delete document' then call 'add document' if I want to use .Net SDK? Also, if…
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Good morning, We would like to discuss how to go about adding esign to our business website. The best way to explain what we would like is to have you go to our website page for feedback ( This is the…
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I receive eSignLive Callback failed emails sparingly, even though I receive the callback successfully. The email body resembles the following: URL: Payload: {"@class":"com.silanis.esl.packages.event…
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I want to remove the scroll bar in the esign iframe. we need the iframe height should be dynamic and match to the content height. Please find the attached screenshot. I am getting two scrollbars business don't want that. So want the iframe…
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Hi, when we create the package or upload the new document, I got 'error.validation.unsupportedFileType' error? in which scenarios, this error will throw? thanks, Cindy
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We need to change the API Key for our sandbox account. How can we do that?

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eSign Document is embedded as an iframe. While the signing ceremony is being performed on  mobile we came across unexpected behavior on clicking of Cancel in the pop-up (which is launched when we tap to sign)

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In the documentation for Document Extraction, it explains that a Textfield or Checkbox must be completed before a Signer can sign a package:


Before signing, Agent1 must…