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Did something with the last release change regarding the signed pdfs?  We have an application that uses itext to merge all our signed pdfs together into one pdf and we flatten them as we do the merging.  Ever since the last…

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The default behavior is to use the same signature across the entire signing session. One of our clients demands the user provide a signature for each document. We plan to use mouse-signing. Is it possible to force this behavior thru the…

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Is it possible to format certain fields like you can in excel? Lets say we want the customer to enter a dollar amount... can we format the field to currency? or number? or are we only able to do text? 

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How can I embed a button labelled "version française" within the email template so users can click on the button and see the French version of the templates.

Currently for the account.invitation…

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Hi Support team,


our client is expecting front-end event notification when signing is completed, does OneSpan provide it? not the one registered in the portal. 

by the way, client using iFrame…

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In order to access Rest API for documents retrieval, i have to provide "Authorization: Basic api_key". How do i get Basic api_key?
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Generate multiple transaction through button click in Salesforce

How to attach a transaction with custom object in Salesforce

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Can you please share some insights on my questions below?

1. Does OneSpan have some geolocationization capabilities?

2. Is…

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1. I created a function app in azure portal for the callback to download docs. 2. And then I created some transactions through the Dashboard. 3. Then I got emails said eSignLive Callback failed. Failed to communicate with the callback…
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we need to get date and time when user click to "Accept"  'Electronic disclosure and Signature consent' document.

could you please tell me how to this?



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Hi team, Our client has a question that if they have an API Key, how they can know which email is associated to this API Key? Please advise if you need any further information. Thanks,
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Hi, I am trying to get the signing status of a package using the following SDK call: eslClient.getPackageService().getSigningStatus(packageId, signerId, documentId) What I noticed that this call has inconsistent behavior while returning…
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We currently received notifications when the package is completed "PACKAGE_COMPLETE" however the documentid property is null. 

when I get the package contents I can get the list of documents but the status on the…

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We are using onespan integration in Guidewire 8.0.7 version and I was able to create the package in my local environment . we promoted our code to the one of testing environment. When we click save draft package…

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we get attached error:



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Hi, If we have a pool of senders is it possible for each of them to be able to fulfill for each other? Is there a group setup that would work in some way. 

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I have a scenario where I would like to create a group of 2+ signers and require 2 of the members of the group to sign in multiple locations.  From reading the documentation with the APIs and looking…

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We've recently adopted a group recipient into our templates and now need to migrate all our templates across our other sub-production environments, with a view to then do the same into production.

We've been…

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We would like to check if it is possible to set up an account for a group, using for example a shared mailbox for the user. Then, people with access to that mailbox would be able to access OneSpan to send…

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Is there any concept of Groups to manage users under company account ? Or something like subaccounts?

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We have the requirement to display the user whose email has bounced. We have used EMAIL_BOUNCE event, but that event is not having all the information it feels. Please propose a possible way to get the data during EMAIL…

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I was wondering if there was any way to have a signer sign twice in the signing order. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do... I work at a university and we want to put our faculty evaluations in eSignLive. So first the faculty…
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In our workflow, we have one situation that customer will enter an actual written signature. But we see there a "E-Signed By" watermark over the signature. Is there any way to hide this watermark?
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Team , Is it possible to add a Holographic Signature ? Regards Surya
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I got a problem in the Guatemala country, because I need to get all packages signed by 2 people, buy I need to understand if is it possible to get the 2nd signer automated (the account owner)

Could some help me?