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Hello, Is there a way to add some customization to the email that comes from eSign live to notify people that they need to sign a package? These signers are using our application which generates these packages automatically, and we're…
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Hi, there is a need to create link withing signed pdf document that would point to internal site. Link should be in following form: where pid is packageId and did is documentid. Question: is…
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We are going to be sending eSign a PDF that already contains the tags for signature. I'm looking at documentation, but can't see where to find the tags we need to put in the pdf. Can someone else that is not using templates in eSign,…
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Hi, we are having integrated solution with our front end using eSignLive as the back-end. On the signing ceremony the first user after signing documents and completing his part of workflow does not get message what do do next. Is this an…
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Hi, Our customers are periodically getting the following error while trying to publish an approval: "Unauthorized Access We're sorry. Your session may have expired. Please try again. If you receive this message multiple times, please…
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My company is new to working with eSign, I'm a product manager working on finalizing requirements for our development team and can't find the length of the Package ID. Can someone tell me, or point me in the right direction?
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Hi ! I'm trying to update a package and replace the pdf document in it, but I get this error : Unable to update package settings. Exception: Le serveur distant a retourné une erreur : (403) Interdit. HTTP PUT on URI https://sandbox…
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Hi, I'm looking at the designer The designer enable you the modify the signer and add signatures. I would like to be able to get a similar URL but to allow my users/clients…
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Hi, I am trying to get a signing url for a package and get this error: Could not get a signing url. Exception: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0. Unexpected character encountered while…
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How do I get packages awaiting my signature?
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Hi, I'm a little confused on the Signer Session. Right now, we created the package and then get the url via the GetSigningUrl via the PackageService. What I undestand : When the user go to the the url authenticate itself (via the…
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Hello, I am confused how to add more than one files in a Package with different signers. Is it possible in eSign to add more than one files in a Package and get each file status from eSign. Thanks
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Hello, I tried to implement "Create and Send a Package with the .NET SDK" but got following error. Could not create a new package. Exception: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. HTTP POST on URI https://sandbox.e…
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Can you append a DocumentPackage that has been created. Dim eslClient As New EslClient(apiKey, apiUrl) Dim fs As FileStream = File.OpenRead(strESignLiveFile) Dim superDuperPackage As DocumentPackage =…
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Does eSignLive has the capability to enable "Wet" signature when creating a package ? If yes, is it configurable at the signer level, document level, or package level ? Thanks
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Is there any way to send a document as a notice that doesn't require a signature?
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I have created a template in my eSignLive account. As the UI requires, I have uploaded a document. I have been trying to create a transaction using this template, however, I need to add documents to this transaction, on top of the ones…
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Hi, We have eSignLive for both the web and mobile. We've noticed that loading the Signing Ceremony is taking a really long time to load, both in dev and production. Is there any performance update planned in the future? Thanks, …
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I want my package to be sent to a party not a signer, and not to any of the signers. How do I provide for this with .Net?
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I have looked through the eSignLive documentation but without success. When creating a package, is it possible to restrict signers to be able to view certain pages of the document ? Let's say my borrower Lisa Smith should not be allowed to…
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Hi There, In our application, I am using the code below to get the documents eSigned Automatically in the sandbox account. There are two documents that needs to be signed and each document is only 70-100kb in size, but the signing process…
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Hello, This was working yesterday, and now I'm getting the following error. There haven't been any code changes on our end. Using .NET SDK version 11.0.0. Could not upload document to package. Exception: The remote server returned an…
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Hi There, I want to build a package with two different documents with two different signers and Signer 1 will sign on just document 1 and Signer 2 will sign on just document 2, how can I do this under same package? Thanks, Gurvinder
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Hi There, According to the requirements we have, if a person doesn’t completes the purchase by paying but has signed the documents, if that person comes back again after certain number of days, he needs to do the whole transaction…
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We have simple 9-page document that we use for transaction for single signer. The pdf is 700KB with no custom fields and just 1 signer defined. However, the call to just this statement