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Hello, we currently are using e-signature packages (created using the RESTful API) where all signers are fully remote e-signers. Signers must be authenticated by the combination of access to the e-mail address we specify for them plus…

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Re API documentation I expect ALL documents associated with given Package will be returned in Zipfile from this call ->api/packages/{packageId}/documents/zip call

During testing only two Documents were returned; a)…

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I have successfully tested the hand-drawn signature value via the REST API. However, I have noticed some differences in the user experience when using a base64 string directly derived from a hand-drawn value compared to…

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We have integrated with Onespan using REST API. Just wanted to check , If it is possible to add additional recipients in CC, not as signers, but as viewers only. E.g. make sure everyone listed as an additional recipient gets a copy of…

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We are seeing some issues where we have a document that is about 4 or 5 pages down that has some required fields and required radio buttons. We are getting an error message on various pages prior to those required fields…

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Our api encounter multiple issues when update role email

e.g: [email protected] is considered invalid for onespan api

Could you clarify which type of email validation onespan api…

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Using the packages endpoint to search for SENT packages using the below request call as per the Sandbox API.

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I need some help figuring out how to auto-populate fields in our documents (i.e. fields that auto-fill upon signature). So, I've been able to add an auto-populating date field to one of our documents using this JSON: …
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Hello Folks We have a requirement to authenticate the callback requests using a system user before we can process the callback. Apart from the callback key solution where we would have to combine username/password encrypted string, is…
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Hi Can you please let me know what is the daily limit for status calls in Sandbox and PROD Regards Mario
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Hi Duo, I am not able to send the multiple pdf doc using webClient during creating Package with binary doc by the Rest Api, can you provide me the working code for the sending multiple doc for the multiple signers using webclient(For…
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Our integration has the browser embedded within our app, and with it we have a fairly stripped-down look in the header area of the signing session. We would like to finish our signing with these 2 extra things I can't figure out: 1…
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Guys, Is there something going on with the API servers? I'm getting this weird error when trying to upload documents that I know worked. ------------------------------- MessageKey: error.internal.default Error Message: Unexpected…
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say i have created 10 documents in an template through sandbox , but i have to send only two documents out of it in run time using Rest API . How we can achieve this functionality through one span.
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Is there anyway to match the label font size with the other words . I can see the configuration to change label and form fields , how to see the font size of the other words in the document in sandbox . so that i can…

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In our scenario we have all the documents created in a temple and user will select some documents from the template in our application to esign or manually sign.

Each time when we create a package/transaction,  we are…

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I am creating a package with a notary that will have multiple signers. 

I noticed that if I include a handover, once signer one has finished signing, the pop up comes up giving that user to exit or…

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I am getting a 401 error when requesting an authentication token for a "SENDER" with a mixed-case email. Other places in the REST API do not require a lowercase value for email in the json.

The request I made was:

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I was trying  below API call and received web page instead of expected Payload

GET /api/sysinfo

HTTP Headers<…

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We have the latest version of the on-premise OneSpan Sign platform and application installed here and we are quite confused as to why we are not allowed to create the same sender on more than one account.


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In the options for a Txn a reminder can be setup:

a) What is data element internal to package that controls whether reminding is be set?

b) What is data element internal to package that specifies # of days to wait…

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I was wondering if there is any way to pull more than 100 completed packages for each sender for a given day. I have one sender that completes more than 100 packages a day and the completion report only shows up to 100 per sender,…

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I used {{TheHost}}/api/account/senders?from=1&to=100 API to retrieve Sender Object in JSON. The "top" level of this object contains two (I believe) related fields

"timezoneId": "GMT",
"created": "2020-04-24T17:42…

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All pkg's are marked as deleted, all are for same person (owner/sender).

We don't understand why lists seem exclusive of each other???

Seems OneSpan reporting is including pkg's not in return set from API call

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It seems that there is no event notification for when an email is blocked. Say an email is used multiple times for a signer and that email bounces. Eventually it gets caught by OneSpan and is now "blocked" if that email is again…