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Hi! I'm getting error when uploading package with postman. Request: POST /api/packages/WZhzAq7Kg94hKye2vaF7X6PAW2U=/documents HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic MYAPIKEY Accept: text/html cache-control…
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Hi all, I'm trying to get to the bottom of an issue that is occurring with some of our PDF uploads (using multipart/form-data). From the response we see:
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We are having an intermittent issue with our REST API client. Normally, it posts the signing package create request in DRAFT status, posts the request to add reminders then posts a request to put the request into SENT status. On rare…
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So I am trying to upload an image to the signature capture section, handdrawn value, and I am having an issue with one file. When I upload the file and view it in the Admin section, it shows just a solid black line and not the full image…
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How can I disable the pop up dialog after signing completed? I'm checking this documentation for package level settings:…
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Hi please suggest that how we can add signature field on each page of multiple documents page using .net sdk thanks
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Guys, Is there something going on with the API servers? I'm getting this weird error when trying to upload documents that I know worked. ------------------------------- MessageKey: error.internal.default Error Message: Unexpected…
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Hi Q1: Regarding The feature where the DateTimestamp appear as a background image, is this configured per APIKEY at account set up? Q2: Is it possible to have some of the signature fields in the PDF with the background and some without -…
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Guys, Can someone tell me what the standard time out setting is for the digital signing room? Is it changeable on an account level? Also, since we getting the user auth token, is this taken into account or does the digital signing room…
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Hello Duo, I am getting again and again the following error during sending document to esign. {"technical":"65533","messageKey":"error.internal.default","message":"Unexpected error. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused…
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Guys, If I delete the Smart Note that is created by your system, is there a way to recreate it without having to create a whole new package?
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Hi, I'm trying to submit a payload to POST, in the past few days it has been intermittently working and not, this morning it hasn't been working at all yet. The error message is …
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Hi, I want to open the signer form in a new window instead of loading it in an iFrame, how am I suppose to get the activity status in the original window? Thanks!
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Hi OneSpan Team - We have a requirement where we need to populate the ESign Date and fullname on a accepted document , We are using the Enum value FULLNAME as subtype and type as SIGNATURE. This is working fine for French version ,…
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Hi OneSpan Team - As per our requirement , we need to have a Signature block at the end of the document to capture the Fullname and DateTime when the document was signed. We have the applied the {{esl:Signer1:Signature}} tag at the end…
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Hi, I would like to get all the layout's ids . When I do a GET /layouts, I only get the layouts for the admin not for all senders. How can I list all the layouts from all senders in the account? Thanks.
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Hi , I am trying to call the RETRIEVE INFORMATION ABOUT A PACKAGE api and getting the below error. Can you please let me know why i am seeing this error. I have pasted my code below. GET request for "…
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Hi Team - Once we have accepted the consent document , and when the document is loaded again to be accepted ,what we see is the the confirm button on top right above the the navigation tool , Also once the document is accepted and loaded…
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Hi, I have a requirement to have an expiry date to be set during package creation or package update. I have read through the request and response related to packages and configuration and still could not figure out the procedure or field…
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Hi OneSpan Team - We have a requirement where when the ESign doc is loaded in IFRAME , we need to capture events (consent accept , E sign acceptance) via the window listener, we have included the attached JS for this purpose , but seems…
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Hi OneSpan Team - I have gone through the below article and it mentions that the Session Expiry Redirect URL can be configured at Account Level , I have gone through my account and not found any configuration as such. 1)Do we nee to do…
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Is it possible to access the address for a signer like we would for a Signer Title or Signer Company? I know there are two fields available for the address. Just looking to see if I can get the data back from them.
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Hi OneSpan Team - As per our requirement , the ESign process for 2 roles happen within the pega application process flow , We need not send emails to the Esign users to complete the Esign process via email and on to the OneSpan site . Is…
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Hello Team, I have a problem with the order of the Consent Document and the Contract. I am using API to created the package and send the documents. In the beginning I was sending only a Contract. Last days I did some code changes to add…
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Hi guys, I was testing how to call OneSpan api from POSTMAN using this steps mentioned in this link but I keep getting this error message: There was an error…