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Dear Champs,

I'm looking for REST API POSTMAN collection for GET{packageId}/documents/{documentId}/pdf

Also advise where can we get packageId and documentId?

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Hi, we want to keep track of the transactions that has been completed, that's why we would like to archive the transactions we already have in our DB as completed. I would like to ask if there's a way to archive multiple transaction in…

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Hi, we want to keep track of the transactions that has been completed. We want to mark them as completed in our database. In order to avoid checking the same transactions more than once, we would like to retrieve the transactions…

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I was trying  below API call and received web page instead of expected Payload

GET /api/sysinfo

HTTP Headers<…

Normal topic

POST /apitoken/clientApp/accessToken endpoint not working on Vancity SBX.  Host portion is fine as it works with GET /api/sysinfo endpoint.


  "clientId": …

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I want to add click to initial signature feature on every page of the document, except on one page where the signature type will be capture type.

This page(where signature type will be capture type) is not…

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I have created a .Net web application to receive posts from the eSignLive server to handle event notifications (PACKAGE_CREATED, DOCUMENT_SIGNED, etc.) I am successfully receiving the events, parsing the Json posted to me, and handling the…
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    "results": [],<…

Normal topic

I understand the following link is where I can test REST API Call:…

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Hi Team,

Received callback event 'EMAIL_BOUNCE' for domain  ''. but BP is claiming that it is a valid customer email id, Are there any restrictions on some domains?


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We have a backup account that is not tied to a vault for testing. We've been told that one account that we are using for a notary has been set up correctly but when I try to update the professional identity fields for…

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We are testing the new signing experience and have noticed that we see the account owner in the list of signers when trying to switch. I am using the standard option that we use for the old signing experience but it doesn't appear to…

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Getting the following error when I try and create packages in my sandbox:

Could not create a new package Exception: HTTP POST on URI resulted in response with status code: [400, Bad…

Normal topic

Returns set of delegationEvents with EventID(?) arrays that contain 4 items below:

eventDate, eventType, eventDescription and eventUser

EventID example-> 699AK8PzZMg0

a) can you confirm this is not a…

Normal topic

We have been using the "name" field in Packages along with "description" field.  Is there another field that we could dedicate for our use? 

For example, and Ideally, we would have a "drop down" box with pre…

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Regarding Updates to Package data, there appears to be a date/time data field called "update".  The Package also seems to have a similar date/time data field called "update" for Sender info contained inside a Package.  Do…

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In the Canadian Sandbox, I notice an issue with the signing ceremony when a transaction is edited to have 2 signers with the same email.

1. Create transaction with 2 signers , different email through SDK

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I need to identifying packages created via Bulk Send operations.  I see in Package data there is a Boolean field called "bulkSendable". If this is 'true' was the Package created via Bulk Send? If not this field, what other field…

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I was trying the below code snipped

To upload documents to packages, 


headers = {
    'accept': 'text/html; esl…
Normal topic

We are planning to extract OneSpan data via api's to drive reporting.

A) there are some advantages (simplicity) to re-extract all data, every night

B) there are also advantages to incremental extracts, i.e. net…

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In the options for a Txn a reminder can be setup:

a) What is data element internal to package that controls whether reminding is be set?

b) What is data element internal to package that specifies # of days to wait…

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We are having issues using the API key to archive messages.  We are getting a 403 error. 

I removed the URL/and package number, but you can see the error below.


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We are utilizing security questions for a signer to answer before they can esign a document.  Only the first two questions actually tell you they are required, but in reality, we want all of the questions to be…

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Re Expiry date, it seems I can check [defaultTimeBasedExpiry] bool field to know Expiry date s/b calc'd by adding [remainingDays] field to Txn creation date.

There is another field call [maximumRemainingDays]<- what is this…