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I have created a .Net web application to receive posts from the eSignLive server to handle event notifications (PACKAGE_CREATED, DOCUMENT_SIGNED, etc.) I am successfully receiving the events, parsing the Json posted to me, and handling the…
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I want to add click to initial signature feature on every page of the document, except on one page where the signature type will be capture type.

This page(where signature type will be capture type) is not…

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POST /apitoken/clientApp/accessToken endpoint not working on Vancity SBX.  Host portion is fine as it works with GET /api/sysinfo endpoint.


  "clientId": …

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I was trying  below API call and received web page instead of expected Payload

GET /api/sysinfo

HTTP Headers<…

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Hi, we want to keep track of the transactions that has been completed. We want to mark them as completed in our database. In order to avoid checking the same transactions more than once, we would like to retrieve the transactions…

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Hi, we want to keep track of the transactions that has been completed, that's why we would like to archive the transactions we already have in our DB as completed. I would like to ask if there's a way to archive multiple transaction in…

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Dear Champs,

I'm looking for REST API POSTMAN collection for GET{packageId}/documents/{documentId}/pdf

Also advise where can we get packageId and documentId?

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On an In progress transaction (SIGNING_PENDING) with multiple signers & with Document A that is signed by (SIGNING_COMPLETE) Signer A, is it possible to update the document content (bytes) without losing the already…

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I'm querying packages from OneSpan Sign REST API. I don't use any filters, so I expect to get all of the packages. There are two, one in the inbox, and one in the drafts folder. 

Here's query

curl -X GET "https:…

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I am getting a 401 error when requesting an authentication token for a "SENDER" with a mixed-case email. Other places in the REST API do not require a lowercase value for email in the json.

The request I made was:

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Hi  Team,


I need to create a package with an existing unique id (custom id)

while creating a package,

ex for package payload



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I am trying to configure out settings and I see that you guys have the new signing experience, which looks awesome. Is there any way to configure the new items? I was looking through the Signing Ceremony Settings for…

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This API call requires {senderId} but when I use my "name" or "email" it does not work, nor does it work for any other value I could think of to try. The documentations says "The unique sender id" but what is that value? where does it…

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The “packageID” seems fine, works for other API call but “SignerID” from Evidence Summary does not seem to be recognized. Its confusing as items are referred to by multiple names, e.g. PackageID appears to be the same…

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The documentation talks about ApiKeyAuth (being deprecated) and ApiTokenAuth (recommended replacement).

Apparently a "Client Id" + "Secret" is combined to create a "Token" but I don't know how this is done for API's below.

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I am trying to find more information on this to see if this impacts us since we are using the callbacks. Can someone point me to an example of how this is being used/removed so that I can check if I will need to modify…

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Hi I created two procedures in the same package which includes REST API. One procedure includes rest api to attach a report say ABC and in 2nd procedure another report XYZ is attached to esign portal. My first procedure is working fine…
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Hey all - 

I'm having trouble finding some examples for validating signers using the Q&A features. I recall seeing some examples in the docs or forums in the past but can't find them now. Any help is appreciated.&nbsp…

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Hi Team,

I have to inject the fields in a specific location of the document.. so I have to put tags for that,

what is the tags for field injection? as I am placing tag as  

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I am trying to create a package and upload a document but I only get the error message "Number of uploaded files does not match number of documents specified in package."  I have looked through the API and other posts about this…

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I would like to know if it is possible to create a signature request with 2 signatories having two different types of signature methods (hand-scripted, click-to-sign, click-to-initial) for the same document ?? For example the first…

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After creating a transaction in onespan sign using REST API, user is getting the below error while signing the document :

The selected document('s) could not be uploaded. The document('s) might be…

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Is there a way to set the default signature type to Click to Sign at the document level ( applies to all signature fields) when creating  a package using .NET SDK & using signature text tags?


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we have a production case, when the client tried to confirm the signature, it got error. 


In the backend log: 

2020-06-04 23:50:02,568 INFO  [com.silanis.esl…

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We have a scenario where there is extra long names and the Esign stamp is truncating those at about 70 characters. We need to retain the whole text for legal purposes. Is there a solution or work around…