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OneSpan Sign
In the mobile signing UI, at the bottom of the slide out hamburger menu, there is a blue Contact Us button that displays a pop-up with a contact phone number for eSign Live. How do we hide this button?
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OneSpan Sign
This works (after unzipping the file)
byte[] bytes = eslClient.PackageService.DownloadZippedDocuments(packageId);
using (Stream file = File.OpenWrite(DocumentName+".zip" ))
file.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
This creates a corrupt document
byte[] bytes= eslClient.PackageService.Downloa
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OneSpan Sign
OneSpan Sign application has been crashed.
The procedure:
1. Download OneSpan Sign from App Store.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to set the default signature type to Click to Sign at the document level ( applies to all signature fields) when creating a package using .NET SDK & using signature text tags?
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OneSpan Sign
Is there another way of displaying the Signing Ceremony other than using a iframe?
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OneSpan Sign
We are testing the new signing experience and have noticed that we see the account owner in the list of signers when trying to switch. I am using the standard option that we use for the old signing experience but it doesn't appear to work.
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OneSpan Sign
I didn't find the request that will return anchor coordinates. Is there any possibility to do it?
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OneSpan Sign
for InPerson signing, we manually launch signing ceremony with
GET https://sandbox.e-signlive.ca/access?sessionToken=token
from Postman, I got the response as sessionId such as
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OneSpan Sign
I need my users to be able to sign multiple documents with a single click. Every month we generate hundreds or even thousands of similar documents that need to be signed by the same two people in our organization.
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OneSpan Sign
Users are complaining that they all receive an email when signing is completed.