
We are attempting to make fields read only in our OneSpan package.  We are trying to use the API to mark them.  We cannot find the way to mark dates read-only.  
The preference would be to mark them read only using the API, so that they all work similarly.
We are actually attempting to bypass setting the fields within the PDF and marking them read only via the payload. 


Hello. I am new to using Onespan Sign API. I am using Rest API and Postman to enter and execute the code. Please see the below code. I am trying to add a field onto an existing package id. I have included the details below. How do I add a field to a Onespan Package? Can you please send me a complete code sample? I am new to using the API and still learning, so I do not know how to enter peice by peice yet. 
curl -X 'POST' \




I have a question with regards to callbacks. In our OneSpan account we have a callback URL configured to be used by one system for eSignature package events. We now are going to use the same OneSpan account for another system but want the events for package from the new system to be routed to a different callback URL.


Hello, I hit the REST API to try and delete a document from our package, and this is the response we got. { "messageKey": "error.validation.cannotDeleteDocumentInActivePackage", "message": "Document is in a active package and cannot be deleted.", "code": 400, "name": "Validation Error" } The document is fully signed, and all the documents in the package are fully signed, but we have the package set to not auto-complete, so the package status still says "In Progress". What does it mean by in an activate package? Are we able to remove signed documents from a package?