Last modified: 2024-07-25


A layoutClosed A type of template that allows you to create pre-defined locations for your Signature Blocks and data fields within a document. It acts like a ‘marker’ where Signature Blocks and data fields will sit in the document. enables you to save a prepared document for future reuse. After at least one Signature Field has been placed in a document, and a layout of the document has been saved, that layout can be applied to any other document created thereafter.

You cannot save the layout of a document that has no Signature Fields.

This rest of this section discusses:

Creating a Layout

To copy all templates and layouts from one account to another, see our Code Share site.

To create a layout from a document:

  1. On the Prepare page, click Save Layout. The Save Current Document Layout dialog box appears.
  2. Interact appropriately with the following fields:
    • Name: Type a unique name for the layout. If the typed name is not unique, and you complete this procedure with that name, the old layout with this name will be overwritten. This field is required.
    • Description: Type an optional description for the layout.
    • Share layout: Select this check box if you want the layout to be available to other users on your account. By default, the box is unselected.
  3. Click Save.

To delete a layout, contact our Support Team.

Applying a Layout

You cannot apply a layout to an accessible transaction.

To apply a layout to a document:

  1. On the Prepare page, click Apply Layout. The Apply Layout dialog box appears.
  2. That box displays the following options:
    • Select a layout: This is a drop-down list that by default displays all and only those layouts created by you. If you are logged in as a delegate for another user, the list by default displays all and only those layouts created by that user. If the toggle switch Show shared layouts is on, the list also displays the shared layouts created by other users on your account.
    • Show shared layouts: This is a toggle switch that determines if the drop-down list will include the shared layouts created by other users on your account. By default, this switch is off. If you want to broaden that list, toggle the switch on.
  3. Select a layout from the drop-down list.
  4. Click APPLY.

    When a layout is applied, if a signer does not exist in the associated transaction, the software creates a "signer placeholder".

    If the layout has Signature Fields that lie outside the boundaries of the recipient document, those fields may be not be visible after the layout is applied.

Video Tutorial

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