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Hi Team,

We are creating a wrapper around OneSpan API and We have embedded the signing process through signer token wherein every signing we end up getting "OneSpan Consent Document".


Is there any…

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Good afternoon, 


I have 2 questions.

1. For a signing event does the email link ever expire for the customer ?

2. Once the documents are signed what is the expiry time for the customer…

Normal topic

Our client is receiving the error message "No Role found for signer email" when trying to send a package. We are creating a custom ID however the custom ID is guaranteed to be different (one ends in -1 the other in -2). only certain…

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I have implemented the designer onespan iframe into our system. I am using laravel for doing this.  My question is regarding the sender authentication code which is a single use ? How can we implement creating a package and use the…

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Is it possible to have it so embedded documents can be signed by users without them needing accounts?


User accesses out system (we have their name and email)

Can we create a transaction for that user…

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We currently use subaccounts and to get the role of a user within a subaccount we have to check within each subaccount to see if they have access using the REST below


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Can you point me to an example that takes an existing template and using the WS API I can get a list of place holder fields?


Thank you

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Does anyone have experience using Power Automate with OneSpan?  If so what types of things have you been able to automate?  Do you have a connector or did you develop something custom?

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Is there a way using the API to tell if the SENDER has downloaded the transaction?  We want to check before we enable the 120 day retention rule

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Does anyone have a .NET c# sample code for the subaccount calls?

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I have a transaction I'm creating in C# based on using at template.  The consent agreement and document to be signed are in the template.  I can create the transaction from the template no problem, but once it's created i want…

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Using the OneSpanSign.sdk there is no document type for text files, which may or may not have the TXT extension.  I can drag and drop files via the UI into transactions but I don't see any easy way using the API to upload them.

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We have a number of existing layouts and we want to make them shared.  Is there a way to do it via the API>  We's list the layouts and then allow them to tell which ones we need to make shared

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My company has an OneSpan account to request customer's e-signatures consistently. The documents are uploaded to OneSpan manually through creating new transaction in OneSpan's portal and those…

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I know there is a tool to copy templates and layouts between users.  I want to add that ability to my own tool we have for our help desk.  Is there an example of how to do this in .NET that already exists? (we would download…

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When using




How can I specify the subaccount and/or subaccount users that I want information returned…

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I know how to get subaccount api keys but how do I get a senders API key.  The user has left State employment so I can't have them just login and give it to me.   I don't see it in the Sender structure.

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I have a situation where I set delegation to a sender using code that has worked in the past.  The indication was that the delegation was successful BUT it didn't work.  Looking in the UI I figured out that the users had used…

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The customer keeps getting random OneSpan signature failures when users try to send a document for signature. The same transaction works sometime and not others.   

  1. Is…
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We use SSO so we don't sending out the invitation for users to activate their accounts.  How can I programmatically activate the accounts using the .NET SDK.  I can determine who's pending from the list of senders, but not…

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I've noticed that the MaxPageSize value in the PageRequest class has the value of 50,  but I believe the maximum number of transactions (and presumably other items) that can be returned in a request to the API is 100 

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We have created a reminder schedule for a transaction using .Net SDK by following this document 

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We are wondering if we are able to simulate the "CanChangeSigner" functionality using API/SDK calls after the signing process has started. Here is the process we're considering implementing at some point:

Package gets created…

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We try to use .NET SDK , but you don't use C#, and try to translate to another language.…

Normal topic

Looking to create a transaction (done) and then get a signing URL or start signing process because I need to allow signing in an "iframe" or withing a .NET application wihtout sending the emails out, or maybe just the completed email to…