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Looking to create a transaction (done) and then get a signing URL or start signing process because I need to allow signing in an "iframe" or withing a .NET application wihtout sending the emails out, or maybe just the completed email to…

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I noticed that our callbacks were not working in the sandbox and when I logged in to take a look at the callback settings, I noticed the callback key was no longer there. I see that OAuth 2.0 was added and there is an option to select…

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Where is .WithSignatureStyle(SignatureStyle.HAND_DRAWN)); setup in the code

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I am using 


signatureBuilder = signatureBuilder.WithField(FieldBuilder.RadioButton("Group3")

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Does setting CeremonyLayoutSettings.IFrame to true change the signing page in any way? If not, what does it do?
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Hi all. Help with the following really appreciated. Below code produces exception: "code":500,"name":"Unhandled Server Error". This exception occurs when uploading PDF with form inputs. Flat PDF (no form inputs) works fine. PDF form…
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Hello, I am using iframe to sign a document, after the sign complete, how i can forward the user to another page in my website? Thanks
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Hi, I receive an error when the document name ends with "pdf". For example "Testpdf.pdf". My workaround is to add another character to the document name ("Testpdfx.pdf"). Perhaps something to attend to in a future release. regards,…
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After a Package is Completed its available at the plataform the option to manually Archived the transaction . Ok with that.

But those the plataform do any "Auto Archived", like after X days of being Completed…

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Hello, I tried to make an API call to retrieve incomplete SENT packages, but the results included a COMPLETED package along with SENT packages. All COMPLETED pakcages were not returned, just one was.  Here is the call:

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For testing I have minimized the attached PDF to just have one field, a single pre-labeled signature. Similar documents work fine but this particular one gives me a “noApprovals” message when trying to run it through…

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We are implementing Conditional fields.  I am starting by trying to get our existing text tag to use the fieldName.  From the documentation, I see this syntax  {{esl_SignerAutograph:signer1:Signature}} .


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Note: I saw this forum post but it wasn't really giving an answer so I am starting a new one to…

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I'm not sure what else to do - it doesn't give any more information other than "documentExtractError" ValidationError.

Any suggestions?

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I have a form which I'm using document extraction to pull in fields from, and some of the pieces need to be entered at the signing ceremony.   Is it possible to mask some of those fields as they are considered PPI?  I'll…

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Is it possible to Save the signature to database.? My requirement is that in one of the webpage(MVC C#) i need to sign and save the signature to database.

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We have a template (in sandbox, id "M9fYtj_6L0MKQSYfQ3vAahQn6E8="). I've followed the documentation to attach signers.

We have 3 roles: Insured, SalesAgent, BankAccountOwner.

In my code, I'm calling package…

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When OneSpan releases a new version on their production environment, will there will always a corresponding SDK version update as well? How are the OneSpan environment and SDK updates timed?


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We are thinking of embedding the Package Designer view in our web app. Our app's main content width causes the Designer view to display in a "mobile" fashion when embedded in an iframe, as the width is less than 1200px,…

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I am trying to create the package only with documents and I will need to update it later adding the signers, the signature tag is already created in one of the documents, that is why I am using EnableExtraction. I get an error…

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I been trying to get status' for my packages, but i am hitting a wall.

I am running the following using the owner API Key and attempting to retrieve packages that are owned by a separate sender:<…

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With the standard PackageBuilder/DocumentBuilder coding, as per the example below, every specific field needs to be included in the single PackageBuilder statement.  With this, every document type must be coded…

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Regarding using FieldBuilder for text field extraction for the creation of inputs from PDF forms...

            DocumentPackage dp = PackageBuilder.NewPackageNamed(packageName)

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Trying to save signed docs on our server.  Looping through the doc collection, Content is null with code bellow:

  //retrieve signed package from one span
            var pkg =…

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We are an on prem installation running version 7.2.  We have integrated with OneSpan using the .Net SDK.  My question is there a maximum number of documents that we can upload/include in a single signing package?…