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Hi, We are facing continuous issues while doing the bulk sign process, below are the error messages it is throwing to us Error 1 : Silanis.ESL.SDK.EslServerException: Could not create a signer authentication token…
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Hello, I'd like to send a package (transaction--the fact that these separate terms mean the same thing is quite confusing) programmatically using the API (no SDKs as I'm using NodeJS) but I'm not seeing any endpoints in the documentation…
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I am trying to create a package and include the Signing Method (personalCertificateSigning) for the roles in the package. Is there a way to send this as part of the package creation and not do this as an update, ie. needing to call PUT…
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Hi Can the eSignLive REST service consume an image as part of their call and they can place the image onto the assigned signature area. We need to capture a signature from a pinpad and put it on a pdf file. Please post a link to this…
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Hi Is there a way that custom package attributes can be shown in the email sent to the signers. For example I might need some additional text in the email for…
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Hi, If our application somehow missed the callback event of opt-out/decline, is there any REST API which can be used to fetch the details about signer who opted-out/decline and with what reason?
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Hi Team, Please below scenario I have application where i need to fill data in ui fields . At the end of application submission where user should sign pdf For that he needs to click send esign button, after that esign pakages…
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Hi, I am trying to integrate the flow into a node application. I am stuck at the add documents/start session stages. I have created a template via the web UI. I am able to create a draft package via the REST API. However I don't know what…
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I am also finding it difficult to set the correct href. When I use the example '' when the button is clicked it has a query string attached. When I use a my own url urlencoded spaces are inserted or it redirects to esignLive…
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Hi, Is it possible to automatically redirect to a url after signing is complete, or does it need to be carried out via the handOver link? Thanks, Marlon
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Hi, To the above link response, I am posting the request here. I am getting error in capturing digital…
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Hi, We are unable to remove all the documents from the package when document visibility settings are enabled. We are getting 400 (Bad Request) error when we try from the API. Again we have tried from the esign portal, we got the below…
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Hi Team, I am Creating some application to Perform Operation on the Packages and Since Last two Hours The API is not working Below URL i have tried" "One or more errors…
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Hi Team, I have Created a package using "REST API" which has two signers , And when any one of the signer is "Decline" the document the other signer status is also getting "Decline" Basically i should get the one signer Decline And…
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Hi, I want to extract ip address, geolocation and signature date of a signer. Can you help me please? Thank you.
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Hi, I want to show 2 documents of my package together at a time during signing ceremony. Typically, I see that as soon as one document's signing ceremony completes, another document arrives. But, my requirement is to show both documents…
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Hi we are using an in house install of the evidence api https:// [server] /evidence/api/v2/{guid}pdf/false https:// [server] /evidence/api/v2/{guid}/html/false while running some tests, we are seeing the following error, could you please…
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If document has no text tag in this case can signers position is defaulted values for end of document.
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Hi Haris, Signature blocks are not shown for the payload shown below against attached document. Attached is the Sample.pdf and request payload as below. kindly look into this and let me know any changes needed in JSON payload { â…
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Hi, In our project, we have non-interactive pdf where we need to bind field in the document with signature field. But in this case, it is not working. However, it is working for interactive pdf. Can you please let me know how to make…
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Hi, I am going to generate a package with pdf which has version 1.7, Adobe Extension Level 11. It is not loading in a template with GUI or not generating package with it. Thank you.
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Hello, I am getting the following response, and I believe that I am sending the correct data. I will copy here the request I am making
   { debugId: 1,
     uri: '…
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Hi, After signatures, my pdf size is increased a lot. For example, before taking signatures, my pdf size is 541 kb. But after signatures, the pdf file size in 1.94 Mb. What are the reasons behind this and how can we reduce the size?…
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Hi, I have this use case: There is a form, which contains fields, which we currently fill with our own pdf mapping service. We then create a package with eSignLive. This form needs to be signed by distinct users, one after the other. By…