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Hi Team,

The integration program was run 3 times back to back(the program was submitted after completion of previous integration program). 
For the 1st and 2nd time, the integration program went into error as…

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Its possible append document to existing package using application/json content type and base64 coded pdf?

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when request is placed to OSS for signatory, do both sender and signer need to sign (or signing process will be completed if singer does the signature?)

Thank you!


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I am trying to add validation to a Canadian Postal Code field using REST API using following code.

'validation' = {'required': True, 'maxLength'

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Hi team!

The email will be sent while the package is created , please see the below codes:

PackageId packageId = eslClient.createPackageFromTemplate(currentTemplate.getId(), newPackage); eslClient.sendPackage…

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please suggest what are suitable and best authentication tokens (user, sender, signer etc.,) that we should implement if we will have to get the unassigned docs signed through OSS



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I am trying to list all transactions that have been done but in my GET I only am getting the last transaction. It does not bring all of them. I am wondering if there is any id or role name…

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All pkg's are marked as deleted, all are for same person (owner/sender).

We don't understand why lists seem exclusive of each other???

Seems OneSpan reporting is including pkg's not in return set from API call

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I can't find an API call that can give me list of time and date in which each signers are notified to sign documents. Also is there is an API call that lists each signer and their signed date?

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We are trying to have documents signed via the api in order to do some automated testing. 

For signing documents we are using the following curl command. It returns 200, but they don't appear signed…

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I am integrating with Pega and configured everything as per guide. But getting below error. I am passing API Key from my login as "Basic"+"XXXXXX" and using endpoint as -<…

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I used {{TheHost}}/api/account/senders?from=1&to=100 API to retrieve Sender Object in JSON. The "top" level of this object contains two (I believe) related fields

"timezoneId": "GMT",
"created": "2020-04-24T17:42…

Normal topic

Hi all,

I'm trying to use digital certificate authentication (with PIV card) for my signers, but I can't figure out how to format this in my JSON. Any ideas?

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Hi there, when using API to pull data in using "from" / "to" parms, is the only way to control pagination via limiting data requested or do some API's have explicit pagination.  Sample below is from Facebook API as an example.

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Is it possible to configure expired date at account level? if yes, could you please let us know how to do it?



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I'm trying to use SMS authentication for my signers, but I can't figure out how to format this in my JSON. Any ideas?
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Hi Team,

I am getting the below error while running the integration code. Kindly assist. 

ORA-29273: HTTP request failed
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1130
ORA-28860: Fatal…

Normal topic

Hello, I was using OneSpan app report "Account Summary Report" the only report available from top level "Reports" drop down.

The person I looked at had 1 x Draft +  1 x In Progress + 11 Complete for total of 13 Pkgs.

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Hi there; my understanding has been there are 7 status's (Draft, In Progress[sent], Completed, Opted out, Declined, Archived and Trashed)

Does "Expired" count as a status? ( it's not included on OneSpan Account Summary report …

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Is this feature supported on the classic signing experience or only in the new signing experience?

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Hi I am trying to use REST Web service for Integration using Java. So i have pulled the "" from Developer Blog and updated the .PDF file location and executed the program. It has given the below SSL Error…
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I have been using the rest api to create transactions for the signing ceremony. The api returns a token and the transaction id. I have built the url to open it in another browser tab and continue with the signing ceremony. I was…

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*OneSpan Sign does not seem to allow any/all changes to automatic reminders after Txn in question has been sent for signing, is this normal/correct behavior?

*It seems OneSpan Sign allows manual initiation/sending of reminders…

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Ever since the last update we are noticing issues with download the Evidence Summary. Our file system is telling us that the request coming back from the API call we are making is a 0kb size. Also, this is completely…

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I was wondering if there is any way to pull more than 100 completed packages for each sender for a given day. I have one sender that completes more than 100 packages a day and the completion report only shows up to 100 per sender,…