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Hi Once we click on the signing session URL , It expires. Can we configure it to not expire Thanks Mario
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Hi Does the signer session URL expire after around 30 minutes, even if we don't click on the link at any time. Is this configurable at account or api level? Regards Mario
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Hi Team, 

I am trying to consume the OneSpan ESign REST API in my Outsystems Application. For that I am using the Add Package method. I am passing the parameters as request but the package generated is showing the…

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Does the signer need to be split into first name and last name in the package? Or is it possible to pass in the full name to the package?
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Hi, Signer email with all Capital letters, for example [email protected] does not generate signing ceremony token. But package id is generated. Can you please help me to solve this issue? Thanks.
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First time using the API. I have a document with 2 signers, and the first signer receives the email from OneSpan indicating the need to sign, with a 'GO TO DOCUMENTS' button in the email. But clicking on the link opens a page that only…

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I've noticed that the e-sign live SDK supports the ability to delegate access form one signer to another. (As documented at the bottom of this page…
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Guys, Lets say that we have 3 signers. Is there a workflow for when we have to change signers for a document that has already been signed by one of the other signers involved?
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can you please help with Signer Authentication REST API code



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Hey all - 

I'm having trouble finding some examples for validating signers using the Q&A features. I recall seeing some examples in the docs or forums in the past but can't find them now. Any help is appreciated.&nbsp…

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Our signatures are shrinking significantly when signed on a mobile our touch device. Attached is a PDF example of one of our contracts.
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Hi Q1: Regarding The feature where the DateTimestamp appear as a background image, is this configured per APIKEY at account set up? Q2: Is it possible to have some of the signature fields in the PDF with the background and some without -…
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Hello! I have a questions about your eSignLive product. Can be integrated externally using REST API? (for example we will have a section in our app where the customer can sign, after this step is completed if we press "Generate document",…
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In the attached image, a signature properties interface we can see the Location: Client IP


My question is how can I edit this IP. Have been trying to…

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I want to add click to initial signature feature on every page of the document, except on one page where the signature type will be capture type.

This page(where signature type will be capture type) is not…

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Hi Can the eSignLive REST service consume an image as part of their call and they can place the image onto the assigned signature area. We need to capture a signature from a pinpad and put it on a pdf file. Please post a link to this…
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So I am trying to upload an image to the signature capture section, handdrawn value, and I am having an issue with one file. When I upload the file and view it in the Admin section, it shows just a solid black line and not the full image…
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Hello there, I just have a quick question regarding the signing ceremony that one of the QAs is experiencing. Occasionally, the signature box breaks way off the page and ends up showing up in the corner. I've attached a screen shot that…
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Hi Haris, Signature blocks are not shown for the payload shown below against attached document. Attached is the Sample.pdf and request payload as below. kindly look into this and let me know any changes needed in JSON payload { â…
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I have the following Approval being set for a 3 page document and the alignment is considerably off. What is the unit of measurement for the top/left/width/height values? I am receiving these values from a vendor so it may be something…
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We are trying to have documents signed via the api in order to do some automated testing. 

For signing documents we are using the following curl command. It returns 200, but they don't appear signed…

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Hello, Is it possible to sign a document without having the signer to go through the process and click on a signature box? For instance, we have a website, a user fills the forms, we display a preview to the user and ask for confirmation…
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Hey team, In our workflow, we use Designer to design and create package and save documents as layouts. My question is, can you explain more about what "share layout" button does and do you have a separate page to show all layouts I…
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I read the following blog post: And tried setting up reminders in my initial POST request that creates a signing package. It's not working. ESL creates the package with no error…