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OneSpan Sign
I am wanting to get information from the audit service for use within my application, but I'm not certain exactly how to use it. Can anyone provide an example?
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OneSpan Sign
We are supporting one of our clients and we are using AnyDesk as a support application. Will using this app affect the functionality of the PCC when the customer is trying to test whether they can sign a document?
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OneSpan Sign
Trying to implemented the quick start, getting error 404 file not found when doing post.
Removed the header "Accept: application/json". And it returns with a 200 and it is return html indicating "Error" but no detail.
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OneSpan Sign
We would like to integrate esign solution to our application, while creating the signer CreateSignerSessionToken, we want SMS authentication to be enabled in that session. Could you please advise how this can be achieved.
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OneSpan Sign
If our application somehow missed the callback event of opt-out/decline, is there any REST API which can be used to fetch the details about signer who opted-out/decline and with what reason?
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OneSpan Sign
Hi team,
If our application somehow missed the callback notification of declined event, is there any SDK function that can be used to fetch the details about signer who opted-out/decline and with what reason?
Thanks in advance!
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OneSpan Sign
Summary document contains package id, signer name and email id. Please let me know if there is option to add other application specific fields in Summary document like Company name, Order id..etc.?
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OneSpan Sign
From the UI perspective, it feels like "opting out", and "declining" are the same thing.
Can you please explain what is occurring behind the scenes in the application that makes these buttons different? Otherwise, we are inclined to disable one of the buttons. Thanks
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OneSpan Identity Verification
For work I have to use the One Span Authenticator. But I use a Librem 5 phone.
Where can I find the Authenticator application to use on the Librem 5 to authenticate myself?
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OneSpan Sign
I tried the using the following but the code is a bit dated.
How to add Signatures required for the document?