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OneSpan Sign
Once all the signing ceremony is completed, there is one email notification getting triggered from "e-SignLive " to all the signers by including package owner in "CC" of that email.
Email notification reference is here:
Signing is completed for e-SignPackage
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi team!
The email will be sent while the package is created , please see the below codes:
PackageId packageId = eslClient.createPackageFromTemplate(currentTemplate.getId(), newPackage); eslClient.sendPackage(packageId);
How to prevent the email notification?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
The sender only wants to receive an email once the signing process is complete... is this possible to setup ?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi Silanis team-
I have a Sandbox account with notifications disabled.
The way we create packages is one document at a time. We need to "activate" / Send the package after each document is added (we do not know how many total docs we'll receive).
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
In doing some testing in my sandbox, I noted that if I submit a package with a signer with an invalid email address, early the next morning I got a delivery failure notification to my email inbox.
I'm curious if there is a way to actively monitor email delivery status via the API?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Question on Remote Sign, where the signer receives an email. If the signing order is set, is OneSpan supposed to automatically email the next-in-order?
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OneSpan Sign
I have created a .Net web application to receive posts from the eSignLive server to handle event notifications (PACKAGE_CREATED, DOCUMENT_SIGNED, etc.) I am successfully receiving the events, parsing the Json posted to me, and handling the events.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to specify the url to a custom company page which contains the iframe signing ceremony? Also, is the signer notification email message/layout to sign a document customizable?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have a couple of general queries regarding the movement of a transaction into "Trash" that I have been unable to find answers on.