Provides a detailed introduction to the basic concepts and features of OneSpan Authentication Server and explains various usage options.

Overview of the OneSpan Authentication Solution

An overview of the OneSpan authentication solution.

What is OneSpan Authentication Server?

OneSpan Authentication Server is a server product to support the deployment, use, and administration of OneSpan Digipass authenticator technology.

List the features that support different requirements for PCI DSS compliance.
Find conceptual information about OneSpan Authentication Server and its components.
Provides a basic definition of authenticator.
Describes the different authenticator application types.
Describes the different hardware authenticator types.
Describes the different software authenticator types.
Describes the different Virtual Mobile Authenticator types.
Find conceptual information about authenticator licensing and activation.
Find conceptual information about the Secure Channel feature.
Find information about how to use push notifications with the OneSpan Mobile Authenticator app.
Describes how OneSpan Authentication Server can be integrated in general.
Describes how OneSpan Authentication Server can be integrated in web environments.
Describes how OneSpan Authentication Server can be integrated in RADIUS environments.
Describes the different administration components of OneSpan Authentication Server.
Describes the OneSpan Authentication Server data model in general.

User Authentication

Outlines the OneSpan Authentication Server authentication process.
Briefly describes the basic authentication methods using authenticators.
Describes how OneSpan Authentication Server identifies the client component records during authentication.
Describes how OneSpan Authentication Server identifies the policy to use during authentication.

User ID and domain resolution

To allow users to authenticate with user names in different formats, OneSpan Authentication Server identifies user accounts via the user ID and domain.

Describes the Windows user name resolution mechanism.
Describes the Active Directory user name resolution mechanism.
Describes the simple user name resolution mechanism.
Explains the default domain and its purpose.
Describes how you can use Windows group checks to limit authenticator use to certain user groups.
Describes what accepted domains are and how they are defined.
Describes how OneSpan Authentication Server looks up the correct user account during authentication.
Outlines the Dynamic User Registration workflow and its applications.
Describes how OneSpan Authentication Server verifies the user account during authentication.
Explains the concept of local authentication.
Describes how OneSpan Authentication Server identifies the applicable authenticators during authentication.
Briefly describes the requirements for authentication with a valid authenticator.
Find basic information about server PINs and their use.
Find basic information about grace periods and their use.
Describes the different modes of generating challenges.
Outlines the user authentication process using Secure Channel.
Outlines the user authentication process using push notifications.
Outlines the user authentication process using scoring information.
Outlines the user authentication process using Virtual Mobile Authenticator.
Outlines the user authentication process using Virtual Mobile Authenticator from the perspective of a user.
Find basic information about request methods and request keywords.
Describes how users can have multiple authenticators assigned and how OneSpan Authentication Server handles that.
Find basic information about authenticator start and expiration times and their use.
Describes the authentication workflow if no valid authenticator is identified.
Explains the concept of back-end authentication.
Explains the purpose of stored static passwords.
Explains the purpose of the Stored Password Proxy policy setting.
Explains the purpose of the Password Autolearn policy setting.
Find conceptual information about back-end server records.
Briefly describes back-end authentication using IBM Security Directory Server.
Briefly describes back-end authentication using Active Directory.
Briefly describes back-end authentication using a RADIUS server.
Briefly describes back-end authentication using NetIQ eDirectory.
An overview of the RADIUS protocols supported by OneSpan Authentication Server.
Explains host codes and their purposes.
Discusses the limitations of RADIUS support in OneSpan Authentication Server.

Signature Validation

Outlines the signature validation process.
Discusses the different electronic signature application types.
Outlines the signature verification process.
Describes the policy settings that are specific to signature validation.

Software Authenticator Provisioning

Provides a conceptual overview of provisioning.
Outlines the software authenticator registration process.
Outlines the software authenticator activation process.
Outlines the software authenticator reactivation process.
An overview of common provisioning scenarios.
Describes a provisioning scenario with Mobile Authenticator Studio.
Describes a provisioning scenario with multi-device activation (MDA).
Describes a provisioning scenario with multi-device activation (banking).

Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon

Get an overview of the Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon features.
Find out about online authentication with Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon.
Find out how offline authentication with Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon works.
Learn how Virtual Mobile Authenticator can be used as a backup mechanism for offline authentication with Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon.
Learn how static password randomization can help enforce strong authentication with OTPs.
Learn how static password changes can automatically be synchronized with OneSpan Authentication Server.


Find information about EMV-CAP support in OneSpan Authentication Server.


An overview of the different administrative user accounts used in OneSpan Authentication Server.
Find conceptual information about maker–checker authorization.
Find conceptual information about maker–checker authorization.
Things that you need to consider when using maker–checker authorization.
Lists the limitations when using maker–checker authorization.
Lists the different management interfaces to facilitate administration tasks.
Conceptual information about the Administration Web Interface.
Conceptual information about the Tcl Command-Line Administration tool.
Conceptual information about the Configuration Utility.
Conceptual information about the Configuration Wizard.
Conceptual information about other administration interfaces.
Conceptual information about the OneSpan Authentication Server task scheduling in general.
Things that you need to consider when managing multiple instances of OneSpan Authentication Server.
Things that you need to consider when managing multiple instances of OneSpan Authentication Server.
Describes how you can automate administration workflows.

User Accounts

Briefly describes the different ways to create user accounts in OneSpan Authentication Server.
Describes how to create user accounts with Dynamic User Registration (DUR).
Describes the user attributes used by OneSpan Authentication Server.
Describes how static passwords are stored and changed.
Explains password strength rules and password expiration options.
Get conceptual information about administrative privileges used by OneSpan Authentication Server.
Describes the basic concepts of the user auto-unlock mechanism.


Basic definition of an authenticator.
Briefly describes the different ways to import authenticators.
Describes the different ways to assign authenticators to users.
Lists the available functions to manage authenticator records.
Basic information about pre-defined reports to manage and analyze authenticator activity.
Describes various authenticator settings that can affect common administrative tasks.
Describes the phenomenon of authenticator desynchronization and measures to prevent it.
Lists the record settings that are specific to time- and event-based authenticators.
Lists the record settings that are specific to backup Virtual Mobile Authenticator.
Lists the record settings that are specific to server PINs.
Discusses factors that you should to consider when implementing Virtual Mobile Authenticator.


Briefly describes components and their purposes.
Describes the client component settings stored by OneSpan Authentication Server.
Overview of the different client component types used by OneSpan Authentication Server.
Conceptual information about server components and their purposes.


Describes the settings that can be set in OneSpan Authentication Server policies.
Explains the concept of policy hierarchy and policy settings inheritance.
Describes which and how certain policy settings can be overridden on user level.


Overview of reporting features and available settings.
Things that you need to consider when using reporting and auditing.

Wireless RADIUS

General information when using OneSpan Authentication Server in a wireless RADIUS environment.
Describes the fast reconnect authentication process.
Describes how fast reconnect can be used with multiple roaming zones.

ODBC Data Stores

Lists the ODBC permissions required by OneSpan Authentication Server.
Describes how you can set up and use additional ODBC databases.
Briefly discuses how you can use multiple OneSpan Authentication Server instances with a single database.
An overview of common replication scenarios.
Find information about cache persistence in OneSpan Authentication Server.

Organizational Structure

Explains the different options to store authenticator records in the organizational structure.


Find general information about OneSpan Authentication Server licensing.
An overview of the different license types available for OneSpan Authentication Server.
Outlines the procedure to obtain and upload license keys to OneSpan Authentication Server.

User Dashboard

Basic information about the OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface User Dashboard.
An overview of the information available in the OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface User Dashboard.
Describes how to generate quick reports using the User Dashboard.
Summarizes the recent user activity that you can inspect via the User Dashboard.
Summarizes the recent authenticator activity that you can inspect via the User Dashboard.
Describes how you can inspect the details of a single audit message for a user or authenticator.


Outlines the OneSpan Authentication Server audit system.
Find basic information about the Audit Viewer.
Find conceptual information about secure auditing.
Describes how you can delete old audit data that is no longer needed.
Outlines the OneSpan Authentication Server audit system.

Administration Web Interface Fields

Describes the fields of the USERS > Reports tab.
Describes the fields of the ORGANIZATION > UPN Suffixes tab.
Gives an overview of the policies that are pre-defined in OneSpan Authentication Server.


Lists the different performance and system monitoring functions available for OneSpan Authentication Server.
Conceptual information about performance monitoring.
Conceptual information about health check monitoring.
Conceptual information about system monitoring.

Hardware Security Module Setup

Find information about licensing and configuration options for HSM.
Find information about HSM firmware modules.
Find information about migrating from SSM to HSM.
Find information about unsupported OneSpan Authentication Server features and other limitations when using HSM.
Find information about load balancing and failover options when using HSM.
Find information about cryptographic keys when using HSM.
An introduction to Thales ProtectServer HSMs.
Find information about using Entrust nShield hardware security modules.

Deployment Models

Get more information about the domains and organization units in OneSpan Authentication Server.


Describes the different mechanisms to migrate server data after upgrades.


Instructions to deploy multiple OneSpan Authentication Server instances on one Linux host.


Audit message types

OneSpan Authentication Server logs different types of audit messages.