Allows report to be downloaded for completed transactions, indicating if signers have downloaded the signed documents or not.
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Direct file upload - File will be hosted on developer website

I am trying to get all completed packages over the last 90 days.  Ideally, this would be  a single call for all of my users' completed packages, but if I need to loop through the users I can, IF I can get their UUID from a call into the response, then loop through the response for UUIDs to pull their package set.  Once I have the packageID, I'll be downloading the packages.  I'm new and certainly willing to learn.


Currently using Postman for testing calls, then I will write in or C#.

This tool allows you to download completed packages or to export package reports of all senders within a time range.
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Direct file upload - File will be hosted on developer website
I'm having some difficulty implementing DownloadDocumentsDateRange posted previously in this forum. When the following code is executed the EslClient.PackageService.GetUpdatedPackagesWithinDateRange function throws an unhandled exception stating that an unexpected character was encountered while parsing value. I assume the string it's trying to parse is the response from eSignLive but I'm at a loss on how to debug it. Is there a way to capture and view this response?