

I am trying to interface with OneSpan Sign using the REST API. I am using the LotusScript language on a HCL Notes / Domino platform.

When I send a package with no document, including only the json, it works fine. When I try to add a document using a MIME message, I always get the 406 Not Acceptable error message. I did some research in the forums but couldn't find any helpful help for this error.

HTTP request:


I'm trying to looking up the documentation for the POST /api/packages call within the Interactive API Definitions page in the sandbox environment, but when I click on this method, the page displays the following error:

Resolver error at paths./api/$ref
Could not resolve reference: Could not resolve pointer: /components/schemas/Package does not exist in document

Attached is a screen dump of what's displayed at the top of the page.


CreatePackage with multiple documents works fine. CreatePackageOneStep with multiple documents throws wrongNumberOfFiles validation error. I can see in the stack trace:

at Silanis.ESL.SDK.Services.PackageService.CreatePackageOneStep(Package package, ICollection`1 documents)

at Silanis.ESL.SDK.EslClient.CreatePackageOneStep(DocumentPackage package)

Example code shows how to create a package from a template and replacing placeholders.
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Direct file upload - File will be hosted on developer website
Hi, I've read through the rest api documentation at ( and am interested in finding out if there is a sample code available for invoking the "Create a new document package along with document binaries" API. A sample request payload is provided in the link but a sample code to create package via this api would be great. Specifically, would like to find out how the documents are attached in the json. thanks Neel