Getting really close to having all my questions answered. Thanks to Mwilliams and Harishadairy for all the help. Hopefully this is the last big issue. I will describe the situation and then you can tell me how best to proceed with the system. We are an organization that issues contracts via a wide range of car dealers (with varying degrees of technical ability, FYI).
Example code shows how to retrieve all signable signatures for each signer in a particular document package.
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I would like to show my signer a message that says something to the effect of: “Thank you for signing your application. We will send you a completed copy of the application signed by both you and the vender.” This would be something like an alert upon completed signature.
I have a document that is generated on the fly by our web system. It's a PDF created by the back-end and then goes out for signing. I have been able to upload the document just fine. Once it goes out for signing, there are two signatures it requires. One is from the vendor and the other from the customer. I want a way to store the vendor signature so it's always just 'automatically signed' by them. This makes it so the only signature needed is that of the customer in question. What is the best way to go about this process via the REST API?