
The vdsAdmin table contains fields specific to OneSpan Authentication Server administrators. It extends the vdsUser table with user information applicable for administrative accounts only.


Table: vdsAdmin table columns
Column name Data type Primary key Nullable Description
vdsDomain varchar(255) Yes No The primary domain of the administrative user.
vdsUserId varchar(255) Yes No The user ID of the administrative user.
vdsLastLogonLocation varchar(255) No Yes The client location of the last successful administrative logon for the user.
vdsLastLogonTime timestamp No Yes The date and time of the last successful administrative logon for the user.
vdsCreateTime timestamp No No The date and time the data record was created.
vdsModifyTime timestamp No No The date and time the data record was last modified.
vdsVersion integer No Yes The current data schema version of the data record.


Primary key: (vdsDomain, vdsUserId)

Foreign keys: (vdsDomain, vdsUserId) references vdsUser (vdsDomain, vdsUserId)


Table: vdsAdmin table indexes
Index name Included fields
Level 0 (default)

